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《English is widely spoken throughout the world》SectionC PPT


《English is widely spoken throughout the world》SectionC PPT 详细介绍:

《English is widely spoken throughout the world》SectionC PPT《English is widely spoken throughout the world》SectionC PPT《English is widely spoken throughout the world》SectionC PPT

《English is widely spoken throughout the world》SectionC PPT


When and where do you use English?

We use English when we…

read English books

see films

watch international matches

watch TV programs

... ... ...

《English is widely spoken throughout the world》PPT,第二部分内容:Fast Reading

Read 1a  and complete the following tasks.

Find out what the red numbers refer to.

3 000

more than 3 000 language spoken in the world

500 million

more than 500 million people speak English as their mother tongue

309 million

the population of the United States

300 million

about 300 million people speak English as their second language

... ... ...

《English is widely spoken throughout the world》PPT,第三部分内容:Language points:

1.  There are more than 3000 languages are spoken in the world.世界上有3000多种语言在流通。 

over  “超过,多于” +数词  e.g:  more than ten men 十多人

more … than …       比……更……, more后面跟n./多音节adj./adv.

E.g: I have __________________________

He is ___________________than Jim. (careful)

2. Recent surveys show that over 500 million people speak English as their mother tongue. 


show sb. the way to 告诉某人去……的路

show sb. sth./ show sth to sb.   出示某物给某人

fashion show / talk show / flower show

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《English is widely spoken throughout the world》PPT,第四部分内容:Exercises

1. She will visit some interesting places ___________(和)famous museums.

2. English is spoken as the ____________________ (母语) in most of the ___________________ (欧洲国家).

3. ___________________________ (丰富的电脑知识) can  help us to learn more information.

4. The Chinese Characters ____________________(起重要作用)in the world history.

Choose the best answer. 

1. The Olympic Games _________every four years.

A. are heldB. were held    

C. are holdingD. will hold

2. Today Chinese is becoming more and more popular. It ________ in many schools around the world.

A. teaches B. is teaching    

C. has taughtD. is taught

3. —People find it hard to get across the river.

—I think at least two bridges __________over it.

A. needB. are needing    

C. will needD. are needed

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《English is widely spoken throughout the world》PPT,第五部分内容:Summary

We learn:

1. Some words: root, trader, native, speaker, foreign 

base, European, kingdom, tourism,    

conference, tourist

2. Some phrases: mother tongue, as well as, a wide   

knowledge of, play an important part in

3. Some sentences: Recent surveys show that…

It is adj. that…  

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《English is widely spoken throughout the world》PPT,第六部分内容:Assignment:

Read 1a.

Remember the useful expressions  and key sentences which we learn today.

Finish Section C  in your workbook.

Preview Section D.

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