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《Seeing a Doctor》Body Parts and Feelings PPT课件下载


《Seeing a Doctor》Body Parts and Feelings PPT课件下载 详细介绍:

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《Seeing a Doctor》Body Parts and Feelings PPT课件下载

第一部分内容:Words and expressions

stomachache  n. 肚子痛; 胃痛

better  adj. & adv. 更好的

matter  n. 问题

headache  n. 头痛

aachoo  adj. 啊嚏(象声)

medicine  n. 药

stay  v. 停留; 留下

rest  n. & v. 休息

had better  最好

have a cold   感冒

have a rest  休息一下

stay home   待在家里

What’s the matter?  出什么事啦?

Are you OK?  你还好吗?

see a doctor  看医生

... ... ...

Seeing a DoctorPPT,第二部分内容:read  and  answer

Q1:How dose Jim’s arm look? 

Q2:How does Wang Mei feel?

Q3:What’s the matter with Danny? 

Answer1:It looks bad.

Answer2: She feels sick 

Answer3:He has a cold    

... ... ...

Seeing a DoctorPPT,第三部分内容:Objectives:

1. To learn to express discomfort

2. To learn to use the sentence patterns:

What’s the matter?

I have a headache/stomache.

Look and Say


I have a stomachache.


I have a headache.


I catch a cold.

... ... ...

Seeing a DoctorPPT,第四部分内容:Post---reading

What’s the matter? 

have a fever

have a sore throat

have a sore back

have a cough

have a toothache

cut myself

have a headache

have a heart problem

have a nosebleed

Work in pairs.What's the matter?Make up a dialogue.

The doctor may ask:

What's wrong? 

What's the matter?

Are you OK?

You may tell the doctor:

I hurt my...

I have a headache/stomachache.

I feel sick/cold.

The doctor may say:

Take this medicine.

Have a good rest.

Stay home.

... ... ...

Seeing a DoctorPPT,第五部分内容:Language points

1. 表示“患病”的两种表达方式:

The first way of having a problem. 

表达方式之一: My ___ hurt(s).

The second way of having a problem.  

表达方式之二 : I have a(n) +部位+ache.

2. had better + do sth

You had better  go and see a doctor.

You’d better do your homework first.

注意:变成否定句,直接在better 后面加上not.

You’d better not sleep in class.

You’d better not laugh at others.

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Seeing a DoctorPPT,第六部分内容:Let's do it!

I. Read and write true (T) or false (F).

1. Jim’s legs hurts. 

2. Wang Mei has a headache. 

3. Li Ming tells Wang Mei to go and see a doctor. 

II. Look at the pictures and fill the blanks.     

My ____ hurts.

I _____ a stomachache.

You _____ a cold, Danny. You’d better ____ this medicine and satay home.

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Seeing a DoctorPPT,第七部分内容:Given words(用所给单词的正确形式填空)

1.Wang Mei ______(have) a stomachache.

2.You’d better________( not do) it like this. 


待在学校_________                take this medicine___________  

你怎么了?_____________       have a good rest_____________

让我看看________________      see a doctor _________________

... ... ...

Seeing a DoctorPPT,第八部分内容:Homework

1. Practise the dialogues in this lesson.

2. Make sentences with the new words in this lesson.

3. Preview Lesson 18.

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