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《The Corner Store》Food and Restaurants PPT课件下载


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《The Corner Store》Food and Restaurants PPT课件下载《The Corner Store》Food and Restaurants PPT课件下载《The Corner Store》Food and Restaurants PPT课件下载《The Corner Store》Food and Restaurants PPT课件下载

《The Corner Store》Food and Restaurants PPT课件下载




Have you ever forgotten to buy what should be buy ?

Let’s have a look at what happens to Danny?

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The Corner StorePPT,第二部分内容:课文呈现

1.What would you like?

Mrs. Dinosaur:Danny,please go to the corner store❶for me. I need some milk. Here is some money.


(At the store)

Clerk:Can I help you?❷What would you like?

Danny:Hmm. What would I like?Let me see…I’d like some juice…some coke…and some tea,please.❸

Clerk:OK. Juice and coke are in the fridges. And the tea is over there.

Danny:Great!I see them. Thank you.

(At home)

Danny:Here you are,Mum. I have many bottles of coke,some juice and some tea,too.

Mrs. Dinosaur:But Danny!Where is the milk?

Danny:Sorry,Mum!The clerk asked,“What would you like?”He didn’t ask,“What would your mum like?”

2.Twenty Bottles

20 bottles of water on the wall,20 bottles of water.

Take one down. Pass it around.

19 bottles of water on the wall!

19 bottles of water on the wall,19 bottles of water.

Take one down. Pass it around.

18 bottles of water on the wall!

18 bottles of water on the wall,18 bottles of water.

Take one down. Pass it around.

17 bottles of water on the wall!

17 bottles of water on the wall,17 bottles of water.

Take one down. Pass it around.

16 bottles of water on the wall!

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The Corner StorePPT,第三部分内容:知识讲解


corner store 意为“便利店”。

短语in the corner of…在……角落里

at/on the corner of…在……拐角处

辨析in the corner与at/on the corner

in the corner


There is a TV set in the corner of our living room.


at/on the corner

常指室外的某一角。如 街道、河道、交叉路口等的拐角。

The bookstore is just at/on the corner of the street.



Can I help you?我能帮助你吗?

此句是餐馆服务员、售货员或图书管理员等一些服务性行业人员的常用语。类似的说法还有May I help you?/What can I do for you?这些说法的用途很广,在不同的场合有不同的含义,要会根据实际情况来翻译。比如在商店里,可以翻译成“你要买什么东西?”在饭店里可以翻译成“你想吃点什么?”等。

Can I help you?的答语通常为:Yes,please.和No, thanks.




—Yes,please. I want to order something for my lunch.(辽宁丹东)


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The Corner StorePPT,第四部分内容:Let's Do It !

1. Listen and tick the correct answers.

1.What does Mrs. Dinosaur ask Danny to buy from the corner store?

2.What does Danny buy from the corner store?

2. Complete the sentences with the clues given and do the crossword.

would like  how much twenty over there  money

Danny:Mum,may I have some ________to buy some snacks?

Mrs. Dinosaur:Sure. Here’s ________dollars. (At the store)

Clerk:Hello. How can I help you?

Danny:I _________a can of coke and some cookies, please.

Clerk:OK. The drinks are in the fridge. And the cookies are__________.

Danny:Thank you. __________ are the cookies?

Clerk:They’re five dollars.

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The Corner StorePPT,第五部分内容:课堂练习


money, fridge, twenty, pass around, corner

1. Li Yun sits in the ________ of the classroom.

2. ________is important,but it's not everything.

3. There is a lot of food and milk in the ________.

4. There are ________ classrooms in my school.

5. Mike,please ____________these books.


6. There is a cup of tea. Please pass it ________ me.

A.on  B.to C.of   D.At

【点拨】pass sth. to sb.是固定搭配,意为把某物递给某人,故选B。

7. I am hungry and thirsty. Can I have some noodles ________ a cup of tea?

A.or    B.but    C.and    D.because


8. —________,sir?

—Yes,I want a T­shirt.

A.Can I help you      

B.Are you ready to order

C.How are you         

D.Where are you

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The Corner StorePPT,第六部分内容:课堂小结


(1)重点单词:pass, money等。

(2)重点短语:take down, corner store等。

(3)重点句式:Can I help you?等。

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The Corner StorePPT,第七部分内容:课后作业



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