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《A Birthday Card》Family and Home PPT下载


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《A Birthday Card》Family and Home PPT下载《A Birthday Card》Family and Home PPT下载《A Birthday Card》Family and Home PPT下载《A Birthday Card》Family and Home PPT下载

《A Birthday Card》Family and Home PPT下载





Have you ever received a birthday card? How to make a birthday card?

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A Birthday CardPPT,第二部分内容:课文呈现

Jenny's grandma is having a birthday party at her house.

Jenny is making a birthday card❶ for her. She is using paper❷and crayons to make the card.❸She is putting a picture of her family on the front❹.And inside the card her family will write something for Grandma.

Culture Tip

When your age and the date of your birthday match,it's called a lucky❼ birthday. For example,Jack's birthday is on the 15th and he is turning 15 this year. It's his lucky birthday!

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A Birthday CardPPT,第三部分内容:知识讲解


make a birthday card制作生日卡片

(1)make 构成的常用短语:

make faces 做鬼脸

make friends with… 与……交朋友

make money 赚钱

make fun of  嘲弄;取笑


make plans 制定计划

make sure 确定

make the bed 整理床铺

make tea 沏茶

make a noise 制造噪音


make sb. do sth.结构,意为“让某人做某事”。

eg:The teacher made him stay after school.


My mother always makes me do my homework before I go out.


He lost his key. It made him ________ in the cold to wait for his wife. (重庆)

A.to stay  B.stayed

C.stays         D.stay

【点拨】本题考查make的用法。make作使役动词时,其结构是make sb. do sth.意为“使某人做某事”。句意为“他丢失了钥匙,这使他呆在寒冷中等他妻子回来。”


paper/'peIpə/ n. 纸;试卷

paper 意思是“纸”时,不可数,没有复数形式,“一张纸”为a piece of paper。paper意思是“试卷”时,可数,复数加­s。

Would you please give me __________(一张) paper?I want to write a poem.

【点拨】本题采用语法判定法。由下句I want to write a poem.“我想写一首诗。”可判断此处paper意为“纸”,是不可数名词,说一张纸时应用a piece of paper。


She is using paper and crayons to make the card.

本句句式为use...to do...意为“用……做……”。相当于do...with...。

本句也可以这样说:She is making the card with paper and crayons.

eg:We can use a pen to write.=We can write with a pen.


They use a lorry ________(carry) coal.

【点拨】由use...to do...判定此处用to carry。句意为:他们用卡车运煤。

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A Birthday CardPPT,第四部分内容:Let's Do It !

1) Listen and write true(T) or false(F).

1.Jenny is having a birthday party at her house.

【点拨】判断推理。由原文第一句“Jenny's grandma is having a birthday party at her house.”可知。

2.Jenny is using paper and crayons to make a card.


3.Jenny is putting a picture of her family on the front.


4.Jenny's sister is writing something inside the card.

【点拨】判断推理。由原文“I am drawing a picture of Grandma and me.”可知。

2) Read the lesson and answer the questions.

1.What is Jenny's grandma doing?

She is having a birthday party at her house.

2.Who is the birthday card for?

Jenny's grandma.

3.What is inside the card?

Something written by Jenny's family.

4.What is Mrs. Smith's gift?

A dog.

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A Birthday CardPPT,第五部分内容:课堂练习


1. Do you have enough time to finish(完成) the ______ (试卷)?

【点拨】 paper有两个含义。paper意为“纸”时是不可数名词,paper意为“试卷”时是可数名词。

2. A lovely cat is ___________ (在……正面) of the card.

3. The boy knows many ________(诗) by Li Bai.


4. There are a lot of _______(玫瑰) in the middle of David's garden.

【点拨】本题采用语法判定法。a lot of修饰可数名词时,其后用可数名词的复数形式。

5. We have to play i ________ because it is raining.


6. Please wait. She _____ to you in a few minutes.   (重庆B)

A. talk    B. talked

C. have talked    D. will talk

【点拨】句意:请等一等,她一会儿要和你说话。in a few minutes与将来时连用,表示在一会儿后,故选D。

7.—Happy birthday,Li Ming!


A. Happy birthday   B. Yes,I am

C. No,thanks         D. Thank you


8. —Happy New Year!


A. You're welcome  B. Thank you

C. OK  D. The same to you

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A Birthday CardPPT,第六部分内容:课堂小结


(1)重点单词:paper, inside, present, soft, lucky等。

(2)重点短语:make a birthday card, use…to do, on the front等。

(3)重点句式:…her family will write something…,  Happy birthday!等。

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A Birthday CardPPT,第七部分内容:课后作业



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