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《When Is Your Birthday?》Days and Months PPT


《When Is Your Birthday?》Days and Months PPT 详细介绍:

《When Is Your Birthday?》Days and Months PPT《When Is Your Birthday?》Days and Months PPT《When Is Your Birthday?》Days and Months PPT

《When Is Your Birthday?》Days and Months PPT

第一部分内容:Warm up

When is your birthday?

My birthday is on June 2nd.  

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When Is Your Birthday?PPT,第二部分内容:Listening—Fill in the blanks. 

1. What’s the date?

Jack: Hi, Li Ming. What are you doing?

Li Ming: I’m making a birthday ______ for my grandfather.

Jack: _______ is his birthday?

Li Ming: His birthday is on Wednesday, December 28.

Jack: What are you making?

Li Ming: It’s a calendar! My grandfather forgets his birthday every year.

Jack: Ha ha! A calendar is a good present for him.

Li Ming: When is your birthday, Jack?

Jack: My birthday? It’s on ________11. Oh, no, that’s my mum’s birthday. My birthday is on August 23.

Li Ming: Ok, Jack. Maybe I need to make a calendar for you, too.

... ... ...

When Is Your Birthday?PPT,第三部分内容:Reading 

Read and tick the correct answers.

1. Li Ming is making a _______.

book         calendar          cake  

2. ________ birthday is on December 28.

Li Ming’s 

Jack’s mum’s

Li Ming’s grandfather’s           

3. Jack’s birthday is on ______.

December 28 

August 11

August 23

... ... ...

When Is Your Birthday?PPT,第四部分内容:Grammar 

When is your birthday?


例:When do you go to the store?  你何时去商店?

When is your father’s birthday? 你父亲的生日是什么时候?

His birthday is on December 28. 

答语中的主语His birthday可以换为代词it,December 28前也可以省去介词on,即答语也可以用:It’s December 28.;而当只有月份时,月份前要用介词in。

例:Her birthday is in September.


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When Is Your Birthday?PPT,第五部分内容:Talk about the months.

1.Spring  Festival (春节) is in _______ or ________. 

2.Tree Planting Day (植树节) is in _______.

3.Mother’s Day is in ______. 

4.Christmas Day is in __________. 

5.Teachers’ Day is in __________.

6.Children’s Day is in _______.

Guess and fill in the blanks.

________ is the 1st month of the year.

________ is the 2nd month of the year.

May is the _______month of the year.

August is the _____  month of the year.

_______is the tenth month of the year.

September is the___________ month of the year.

December is the ___________month of the year. 

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When Is Your Birthday?PPT,第六部分内容:Exercise 


1. My father’s birthday is ______ May.

A. in  B. on    C. at    D. with

2. —______ is your birthday?

—It is March 15.

A. How B. Where C. When D. What time

3. —______?

—I am nineteen.

A. How are you    B. How old are you

C. How tall are you      D. Where are you

4. I live on the ______ floor of this building.

A. twelveth   B. twelfth

C. twelve     D. twenty

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When Is Your Birthday?PPT,第七部分内容:Homework


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