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《Meet You in Beijing》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT下载


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《Meet You in Beijing》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT下载《Meet You in Beijing》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT下载《Meet You in Beijing》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT下载《Meet You in Beijing》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT下载《Meet You in Beijing》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT下载

《Meet You in Beijing》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT下载

第一部分内容:Lead in 

Have you ever been to Beijing?

What do you know about the Terra Cotta Warriors?

Do you want to take a trip to  Beijing?

What do you know about Beijing?

the Palace Museum   the Great Wall

Bird’s Nest       Water Cube

... ... ...

Meet You in BeijingPPT,第二部分内容:Words and expressions

exciting        adj.使人激动的

along            prep. 沿着……

kilometre      n.千米,公里

special          adj. 特殊的;特别的

culture          n. 文化

arrive            v. 到达;抵达

Terra Cotta Warrior   兵马俑

leave            v. 动身;出发;离开

... ... ...

Meet You in BeijingPPT,第三部分内容:Exercises

1. It's 10 ___________(公里) from here to Beijing. 

2.You'd better__________(离开)early tomorrow morning. 

3. It's 24 _______________(公里) from here to there. 

4. Walk______(沿着) the street and turn left. 

5. How much do you know about the history and ________(文化) of China? 

... ... ...

Meet You in BeijingPPT,第四部分内容:Language points

Talking about distance (距离):

Canada is far from China.

How far is Beijing?

How far is it from here to Beijing?

It’s about one thousand six hundred kilometres.

1. How far is it from Beijing to Xi’an?


How far 意为“多远”,用来询问距离或路程的远近,


How far is it from A to B? 或

How far is B from A?   

答语为:It’s …meter(s)/kilometer(s). 

2. It’s about 1,114 kilometers.


how far (距离)多远,(空间)

—How far is it from Lanzhou to Dunhuang?

—It’s about 1, 100 kilometres.

how long 多长 (空间); 多长(时间)

—How long is the Silk Road?

—It’s 6, 500 kilometres (long). 

— How long will you stay in China?

— I will stay in China for 10 days.

... ... ...

Meet You in BeijingPPT,第五部分内容:Grammar points




102 读作:one hundred and two   

230 读作:two hundred and thirty 

789 读作:seven hundred and eighty-nine 

1234读作:one thousand two hundred and thirty-four   

2008读作:two thousand and eight  

... ... ...

Meet You in BeijingPPT,第六部分内容:Exercises


1.Did your father buy you __________________(特别的东西)? 

2.They_____________(前往) Beijing Next Sunday. 

3.Danny was the first to ________(到) yesterday. 

4.I felt so________ after hearing the________ news. (兴奋)     

5.Danny______________(有足够的钱) buy the new car. 


(    )1.—Can you tell me ____it is from home to school?  

—Sure. It's about 3 km.    

A. how much   B. how long   

C. how far       D. how soon

(    )2.My son can count____1_____100.    

A. from; to       B. about; to  

C. from; and     D. between; and 

(    )3.When do you ___Australia?   

A. leave from    B. leave in  

C. leave for       D. leave at 

... ... ...

Meet You in BeijingPPT,第七部分内容:Homework

Jenny and Danny want to go on a trip to Beijing.

Can you make a plan for them?

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