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《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT


《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT 详细介绍:

《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT

《A Visit to Lanzhou》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT

第一部分内容:Words and expressions

group n.  群;组;团体

bridge n.  桥梁

cross v.    横跨;横穿

wide  adj.   宽的;广泛的

cheese  n.  干酪;奶酪

go for a walk   散步

go down  沿着……走

turn left/right  向左转/向右转

lead sb.to sp.  带某人去某地

in front of   在……前面

take a picture of  拍……的照片

take a picture=take a photo  拍照

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A Visit to LanzhouPPT,第二部分内容:重点句型

1.Later,they go for a walk along the Yellow River.

2.Let's go down this street and turn left at the traffic lights.

3.The Silk Road crossed the Yellow River in Lanzhou.

4.Can we take a picture in front of the statue,Ms.Martin?





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A Visit to LanzhouPPT,第三部分内容:重难点突破

Language points 

1. The group takes a train to Lanzhou.  

考向一  group 如果指代“整体”看作单数形式;如果指代“成员” 则看作为复数。 

eg:The group_______to visit Beijing.  

The group _______ having a meeting. 

考向二  take a train乘火车。它的结构是:take+a/an/the+交通工具,相当于“by+交通工具”

eg:I will take a plane to Beijing.=I will go to  Beijing by plane. 


2.go for a walk意为“去散步”=take a walk=go for walks

go +for +a /an + n.意为“去做某事”, 类似的短语有:

go for a drive 开车兜风   

go for a swim去游泳

3.over  /'əʊvə(r)/ 作介词,①意为“在……上面”,(指垂直的正上方)。② 越过


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A Visit to LanzhouPPT,第四部分内容:课堂练习


1. Be careful when you c________ the road.

2. Do you want to put some c________ on the bread?

3. The new road from my home to the city is very w________.

4. The workers are building a new ________.

5.She plans to travel with a ________ of nice girls.


6.Turn right _________ the traffic lights.

A.in B.on

C.for D.at

7. Look! There is a bridge _________ the river.

A.over B.at

C.on D.under

8. My parents like__________ after supper.

A.take a picture  

B.go to work

C.going for a walk  

D.going down

9.Mingming is taller than me,so I sit__________ him in our classroom.

A.at the back of B.near

C.in front of D.in the front of

10. There are many cars in the street. Don't ______ the road.

A.go B.cross

C.walk D.across


11. They go for a walk along the Yellow River.(同义句转换)

They________ ________ ________ along the Yellow River.

12. The Silk Road crosses the Yellow River.(同义句转换)

The Silk Road________ ________ the Yellow River.


Are you going to visit your grandmother this Saturday? 

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