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《A Visit to the Dentist》Stay healthy PPT免费下载


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《A Visit to the Dentist》Stay healthy PPT免费下载《A Visit to the Dentist》Stay healthy PPT免费下载《A Visit to the Dentist》Stay healthy PPT免费下载《A Visit to the Dentist》Stay healthy PPT免费下载

《A Visit to the Dentist》Stay healthy PPT免费下载




What happened to Mr.Bean?

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A Visit to the DentistPPT,第二部分内容:课文呈现


Have you ever had a toothache?

How do you take care of❶  your teeth?

Dear Diary,

I'm really afraid of❷ going to the dentist.❸ I don't know why, but I have had this fear since I was very young. When my mum wants me to go to the dentist, I always refuse❹.

This morning, I woke up with a terrible toothache. I told my mum about it. She thought that one of my teeth was probably rotten and that I needed to go to a dentist. I had no choice but to go❺  with her.

When we got to the dentist's office,there were strange smells, strange sounds and people dressed in strange clothing. Imagine how scared I was! My hands were shaking. My legs felt so heavy, and it was difficult to stand❻ !   

Fortunately, the dentist, Dr. Hu, was very kind. She saw right away that I was scared and told me not to worry. She helped me get up on the chair. 

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A Visit to the DentistPPT,第三部分内容:知识讲解


take care of 照顾;照看

eg:Her work is to take care of the children.


take care of 后常接名词或代词;其同义词组是look after。

eg:I promise that I will take care of /look after you.


take care of 和take care的辨析

take care of 


It's your duty to take care of your aged parents.照顾年迈的父母是你的责任。

take care

“小心;注意”,其后不可以接宾语。相当于look out/be careful。

Take care and you won't hurt yourself.小心,你就不会伤了自己。

Thanks for your invitation,but I'm so sorry I can't go. I need to ________my baby at home.  (广州)

A.take away    B.take off

C.take care of          D.take out of

【点拨】本题用词义辨析法。take away“拿走;带走”;take off“起飞,脱下”;take care of “照顾”;take out of “扣除”。空格后是my baby,因此take care of 符合题意。


be afraid of 害怕;担心

eg:She is afraid of upsetting her parents.


be afraid of 后可接名词、代词或动词的­ing形式作宾语。

eg:She is afraid of dogs. 她怕狗。

I'm afraid of falling into the swimming pool.


be afraid of doing sth. 和be afraid to do sth. 的辨析

be afraid of doing sth.


I'm afraid of being late for school.我担心上学会迟到。

be afraid to do sth.

害怕(不敢) 做某事

He is afraid to go out at night.他不敢晚上外出。

The little girl was afraid ________on the wooden bridge,for she is afraid ________ into the river.

A.to walk;of falling

B.to walk;to fall

C.of walking;of fall

D.of walking;to falling

【点拨】本题可用语境分析法。句意:这个小女孩害怕在木桥上走,因为她担心掉到河里。be afraid to do sth.“害怕(不敢)做某事”;be afraid of doing sth.“担心某事可能发生”。所以选A项。

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A Visit to the DentistPPT,第四部分内容:Let ′s Do It !

1)Read the lesson and write true (T) or false (F). 

1.Wang Mei was scared to see the dentist. (  )

2. Wang Mei showed great interest in everything at the dentist's  office.  (  )

3. Dr. Hu asked Wang Mei to watch TV while she worked. (  )

4. Dr.Hu was kind and good at fixing teeth. (  )

5. Wang Mei's mum told her an old Russian story on the way home.(  )

2) Match each paragraph with its main idea. Then retell the story.

Paragraph 1          Wang Mei was nervous at the dentist's office.

Paragraph 2            Dr. Hu let Wang Mei listen to music to relax.

Paragraph 3            Wang Mei is really afraid of going to the dentist.

Paragraph 4            Wang Mei's mum told her a saying.

Paragraph 5            Wang Mei had a terrible toothache this morning.

Paragraph 6            Dr. Hu fixed Wang Mei's tooth quickly.

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A Visit to the DentistPPT,第五部分内容:课堂练习


1.That ________(德国人) is our teacher. She lives in China.

2.We asked her for a day off, but she ________(拒绝).

3. Jenny thinks Chinese is ________________(更难) than English.

4. I will go to help you____________(立刻) if you have trouble. 

5. I can't eat anything because I have a ___________(牙痛).  

So I  have to ________________(看牙医).


6.He is ________(scared/scary) to see the doctor.

7.Wang Mei is _________(interesting/interested) in everything.

8.He is ________(dress/dressed) in his new coat.

9.We need ________(to help/helping) others when they are in trouble.

10.(N) Doctors can be used to ________(address/addressing)dentists, surgeons and so on.

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A Visit to the DentistPPT,第六部分内容:课堂小结

本节课主要学习了重点单词:refuse, stand和 take care of, be afraid of, have no choice but to do sth. be used to do sth. 等重要短语以及重要句型It’s + adj. + to do. 。并让学生更进一步的了解病人对症状及感受的描述、医护人员对病人施治过程的表达用语。




关键词:冀教版九年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,A Visit to the DentistPPT下载,Stay healthyPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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