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《Another Stop along the Silk Road》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT课件


《Another Stop along the Silk Road》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Another Stop along the Silk Road》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT课件《Another Stop along the Silk Road》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT课件《Another Stop along the Silk Road》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT课件《Another Stop along the Silk Road》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT课件《Another Stop along the Silk Road》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT课件

《Another Stop along the Silk Road》A Trip to the Silk Road PPT课件

第一部分内容:Lead in 

What’s the places of interest in  Dunhuang?

Do you want to take a trip to Dunhuang?

Words and expressions

another  adj. 另外的;又一  pron. 另一个

amazing  adj. 惊奇的;惊人的

main  adj. 主要的

sand   n. 沙;沙地

cave  n. 洞窟;山洞

believe  v. 相信


1. 环游……  take a tour around…    

2. 主要站点之一 one of the main stops

3. 作为……出名  be famous as     

4. 因……出名   be famous for       

5. 和……一样    the same…as      

6. 掉下;从……掉下   fall off     

7. 跳到……上    jump onto…         

8. 在去……的路上   on the way  to…


1. It’s famous as the City of Sands.

2. We are walking on the same road as Marco Polo.

3. Well,then I want to ride a camel,too.

4.You won't fall off.

... ... ...

Another Stop along the Silk RoadPPT,第二部分内容:Language points

1.Another stop along the silk road  

(1)  another:又一的;再一个的;另一个的;别的不同的;泛指三个或者三个以上的人或物中没有确定的另一个。

I don’t like this hat. Can you show me another? 


(2) other:别的;不同的;其他的;other + 名词

He ran faster than other students.

(3) the other:指已知的两个人或两事物中的另一个;the other 常常与 one 连用,具体形式为 one... the other...

I have two American friends. One is a doctor, the other is a teacher.

我有两个美国朋友.一个是医生, 另外一个是老师。

(4) others:泛指别的人或事务 可以单独使用,其意思与 "other + 名词" 相同。

Some…, others….

He ran faster than others.

Some came by car, others came on foot.

2. This is an amazing city. 这是一个令人惊奇的城市。 amazing 形容词   

sth. be amazing ……令人惊奇的

amazed   形容词   

sb. be amazed at sth.  人对……感到惊奇。

句型  It is +amazing+for sb. to do sth. 


It amazing for me to watch the movie .


3. They take a tour around the city. 


4. It’s one of the main stops on the Silk Road.


句法分析:It is one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数,常用于表达“最......之一”

It is one of the biggest city in our country.

main  形容词  主要的  

This is a main subject.  这个学科是主要的。

... ... ...

Another Stop along the Silk RoadPPT,第三部分内容:Exercises


take a tour   be famous as   on one’s way to  fall off   be the same as  

1.The boy _______ his bike and hurt his leg yesterday.   

2.Yao Ming ___________a basketball player.  

3.Li Ming often helps the little girl________________ school.  

4.David’s jacket ___________ colour____ Jim’s. 

5.We __________  on Mountain Tai last week.  

Ⅱ. 按要求完成句子

1. He rode a camel here. (改为一般疑问句)

______ he ______ a camel here? 

2. I, way, the, to, on, my, am, zoo(连词成句)


答案:1. Did; ride  2. I am on my way to the zoo. 

3. He will fall off the bike. (改为否定句)

He ______ ______ fall off the bike. 

4. famous, as, a, writer, is, Lu Xun(连词成句)


5. my, Lily’s, same, as, coat, the, is, colour(连词成句)


答案:3. will not      4. Lu Xun is famous as a writer. 

5. My coat is the same colour as Lily’s. 

... ... ...

Another Stop along the Silk RoadPPT,第四部分内容:Homework

Work in pairs. Continue the dialogue in this lesson. 

What happens after Jenny and Danny get on the camels?


A: I want to have a picture taken on the camel. Can you help me?

B: Of course. Look here and say,“Cheese!”Great!

A: Thanks. Now I’ll take a picture of you. Smile!

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