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《Making a Difference》School Life PPT


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《Making a Difference》School Life PPT《Making a Difference》School Life PPT《Making a Difference》School Life PPT《Making a Difference》School Life PPT

《Making a Difference》School Life PPT

第一部分内容:Lead in 

Do you think you have a happy life? Why?

But do you know some children cannot go to school because they are poor (穷的)? 

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Making a DifferencePPT,第二部分内容:Words 

difference  n. 差异;差别

village  n. 村庄,乡村

education  n. 教育

yourself  pron. 你自己

drop  v. 放弃;停止

possible  adj. 可能的

never   adv. 从来没有;决不

future  n. 未来

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Making a DifferencePPT,第三部分内容:Phrases   

1. give up 放弃

2. a good education 良好的教育

3. make a difference 有影响;变得不同

4. make a good life 创造美好的生活

5. drop out of school 辍学

6. in the future 在未来

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Making a DifferencePPT,第四部分内容:Language points

1. difference n. 差别;差异

I want to make a difference in the future.  


Can you tell the differences between the twins?  你能说出那对双胞胎的差异吗?

English names are different from Chinese names. 英语名字和汉语名字不同。


1. I don’t know the _________ (different) between the two words. 

2.Mei Lanfang made _______ difference in Beijing Opera. 

A. a         B. an      C. the         D. /

3. English is different _______Chinese.

A. at         B. of      C. in         D. from

2. give up  放弃 +v-ing

Don’t give up hope. I believe you can do it. 


Give up smoking. It’s bad for your health. 


① No matter how difficult it is, I never

_____ __(放弃)his work. 

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Making a DifferencePPT,第五部分内容:Exercises

把下面句子翻译成汉语 1.I want to make a difference in the future.


2. She doesn’t want anyone to drop out of school.


3. I often walk to school but _______ I go to school  by bike. 

A. usually         B. often  

C. always         D. sometimes

4. — _______ do you clean your room? 

—Three times a week. 

A. How long      B. How often

C. How far        D. How much

5. With a good education, you can make a good life for _______. 

A. you     B. yourself     C. your      D. yours

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Making a DifferencePPT,第六部分内容:Homework

Do you know someone who makes a difference in your life?

What did he/she do?

Tell others about him/her. 

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