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《Big Plans for the Weekend》After-School Activities PPT教学课件


《Big Plans for the Weekend》After-School Activities PPT教学课件 详细介绍:

《Big Plans for the Weekend》After-School Activities PPT教学课件《Big Plans for the Weekend》After-School Activities PPT教学课件《Big Plans for the Weekend》After-School Activities PPT教学课件

《Big Plans for the Weekend》After-School Activities PPT教学课件


Free talk

Do you like weekends?

What do you often do on weekends?

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Big Plans for the WeekendPPT,第二部分内容:Presentation

Learn some new words

hurry                n.&v.赶紧;匆忙

somewhere      adv. 在某处

actually            adv.  的确;事实上

cooking            n. 烹调

surf                  v.冲浪

Internet            n. 互联网;因特网

housework       n.家务劳动

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Big Plans for the WeekendPPT,第三部分内容:Listen and answer

1. What is Danny going to do this weekend? Listen and tick the correct picture.

It’s lunch time on Friday. Danny and Jenny are having lunch together.

Jenny: Danny, are you OK? You can’t stay still today. And you never eat your lunch so fast. Are you in a hurry to go somewhere?

Danny: No. Actually Jenny, I have big plans for the weekend! I can’t wait. It’s going to be a good weekend!

Jenny: Oh! That’s great. What are you going to do this weekend?

Danny: I’m going to learn something new this Saturday. Cooking! And I love donuts. So I am going to make donuts.

Jenny: Wow! How exciting! I don’t have any big plans for this weekend. I usually just stay home, read a book, surf the Internet, watch TV and help my mum with the housework.

Danny: Hmm. Would you like to join me this weekend?

Jenny: Really? I would love to come! 

I always love to learning new things.

Danny: Wonderful! Now it’s going to be a great weekend!

2.Read the lesson and answer the questions.

1. Why can’t Danny stay still today?

Because he has big plans for the weekend.

2. What does Jenny usually do on weekends?

She usually just stay at home, read a book, surf the Internet, watch TV and help her mum with the housework.

3. What is Jenny going to do this weekend?

She’s going to join Danny this weekend.

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Big Plans for the WeekendPPT,第四部分内容:Language points

1.Are you in a hurry to go somewhere?


1)in a hurry,着急的,前面要加be。这里hurry为名词,它也可作动词。

She hurries to go home after work.



I want to go somewhere warm. 我想去个温暖的地方。

2. I usually just stay home, read a book, surf the Internet, watch TV and help my mum with the housework.


1)surf the Internet,上网冲浪。Internet开头字母永远大写。on the Internet,在互联网上。

2)help sb. with sth. 帮某人做某事。do the housework,做家务。这句话也可说成:

help my mum do the housework

3. Would you like to join me this weekend?


1)would like to do sth.,愿意做某事。would like相当于want,如果跟名词,则省略to。

I would like to join an art club. 


2)this weekend,本周末。this+时间,前面省略介词。

Where do you plan to work this year?


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Big Plans for the WeekendPPT,第五部分内容:Exercise


somewhere  plan  hurry  surf  housework

1. Danny got up late and went to school in a ______ this morning.

2. My mother does all the ________ at home every day.

3. We are going to visit _________ else this weekend.

4. How about ______ the Internet for more information?

5. Before doing something, we should make the ______ first.

II. 根据句意用适当的介词填空。

6. Brian, can you join us ______ the game?

7. Jenny often helps me ______ my homework.

8. Who are you waiting ______, Li Ming?

9. They felt relaxed ______ the good news.

10. He is learning to make donuts ______ his uncle.

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Big Plans for the WeekendPPT,第六部分内容:Homework:


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