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《A Weekend With Grandma》After-School Activities PPT免费课件


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《A Weekend With Grandma》After-School Activities PPT免费课件《A Weekend With Grandma》After-School Activities PPT免费课件《A Weekend With Grandma》After-School Activities PPT免费课件《A Weekend With Grandma》After-School Activities PPT免费课件《A Weekend With Grandma》After-School Activities PPT免费课件

《A Weekend With Grandma》After-School Activities PPT免费课件

第一部分内容:Learning Targets

Key words & phrases:

phone, bookworm, anything, grocery, expensive,

talk to sb., read stories, get sth. for sb., of course, made up of...

Key sentences:

1. She is talking to her grandma on the phone.

2. I can read you one this weekend.

3. The bookstore is just two bus stops away.

4. Do you need anything from the supermarket?

5. I can get it for you.

6. I always buy my groceries at the morning market.

7. The vegetables are fresh and not too expensive.

8. What are we going to have for dinner?

... ... ...

A Weekend With GrandmaPPT,第二部分内容:Lead in

Look and guess

What is Mike going to do this Sunday?

He is going to __________________.

What are they going to do this weekend?

They are going to ____________________.

What is Tiantian going to do this weekend?

He is going to ________________.

... ... ...

A Weekend With GrandmaPPT,第三部分内容:Words and expressions

phone  n. 电话  v.打电话

bookworm  n. 书迷;书虫

anything  pron.  任何事物;某事

grocery  n. 杂货

expensive  adj.昂贵的

talk to sb.  和某人谈话

read stories   读故事      

get sth. for sb.  给某人拿/买某物

of course  当然

be made up of...  由……构成

talk on the phone  讲电话;打电话  

... ... ...

A Weekend With GrandmaPPT,第四部分内容:Let's Do It!

1.What is Zhao Hanyu going to do this weekend? Listen and tick the correct statements.

She is going to buy some books at the bookstore.

She is going to read an English story to her grandma.

She is going to visit her grandparents.

She is going to buy some groceries at the market.

She is going to have dumplings with her grandparents.

2.Read the lesson and answer the questions.

1.How far is the bookstore from Hanyu's grandma's house?

It's just two bus stops away.

2.Where does Hanyu's grandma buy her groceries? Why?

At the morning market. Because the vegetables are fresh and not too expensive.

3. What are Hanyu and her grandparents going to have for dinner tomorrow?


... ... ...

A Weekend With GrandmaPPT,第五部分内容:Language points

1. She is talking to her grandma on the phone.

on the phone 意为“在打电话,在通电话”。介词 on表示“通过某种方式”;phone 作名词,意为“电话”。例:My mother is busy. She is talking on the phone.我妈妈很忙。她在打电话。

【拓展】phone作动词,意为“打电话”,其后跟名词或者代词。常用短语:phone sb.=call sb. (up) =give sb. a call=make a phone to sb. 给某人打电话。

例:You can phone us anytime.你可以随时给我们打电话。

2. I can read you one this weekend.

one num. 一个; (数字)一    

n. 一个人; 一体; 一点钟;

pron. 一个人; 任何人; 东西

【辨析】one、it 与 that








【辨析】one、it 与 that

例:I can't find my hat. I think I must buy a new one. 我找不到我的帽子了。我想我该去买一顶新的。

The hat you bought is bigger than that I bought. 你买的那顶帽子比我买的大。

I can't  find my hat. I don't know where I put it.  我找不到我的帽子。我不知道我把它放在哪了。

I have lost my umbrella. I'm looking for it. 我的雨伞丢了。我正在寻找它。

3. The bookstore is just two bus stops away.

该句是 “主语+be动词+数词+量词+away (from + 地点)的结构,意思是“……(距离某地)有多远”。

例:The nearest bus stop is about 5 miles away from the hospital.  最近的一个公交车站离这家医院大约有5英里远。

【拓展】be far away from... 离……远;远离……

例:He lives far from his school, so he gets up early.  他的住处离学校远, 所以他起得早。

... ... ...

A Weekend With GrandmaPPT,第六部分内容:Exercises


1.  —Why don't you buy the sweater?

—It's too_____,and I don't have enough money to buy it. (2017·湖北随州)

A.nice       B.expensive 

C.popular D.cheap

2. Fire is very dangerous.You can't be ________careful with it!(2017·江苏盐城)

A.very  B.quite  C.so      D.too 

3. The island is quite hot all year round,because it's ______ the equator(赤道).

A.next  B.close to 

C.far from D.behind

4. —I'm a little hungry,Mum!

—There are some apple pies on the table,you may take________. (2017·山东泰安)

A.it B.this C.that D.one


1. Is this sweater cheap or e_________, madam?

2. The market isn’t f ________ from here. We can walk there.

3. These vegetables look nice and f________. Would you like some?

4. There isn’t a ________ new in today’s newspaper. I’ll read a book then.

5. I’m going to the b________ to buy some books.


1. 我在学校里学了一些有用的东西。

 I learned __________ _________ at school.

2. 今天晚饭我们要吃什么?

What are we ______ ______ ______ ______ supper?

3. 邮局只有两站地远。你可以骑自行车去。

The post office is just two bus stops _______. 

You can go there ______ ______.

... ... ...

A Weekend With GrandmaPPT,第七部分内容:Summary

What have we learned in this lesson?

1. We learned some new words and phrases: phone, bookworm, anything, grocery, expensive, on the phone...

2. We know how to use “be going to…”

3. We are going to visit …


1. Write a short passage about your parents’weekend plan.

2.  Finish the exercises of this lesson.

3. Review what we learned today.

4. Preview Lesson 24.

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