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《How Was Your Weekend?》After-School Activities PPT课件下载


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《How Was Your Weekend?》After-School Activities PPT课件下载《How Was Your Weekend?》After-School Activities PPT课件下载《How Was Your Weekend?》After-School Activities PPT课件下载《How Was Your Weekend?》After-School Activities PPT课件下载《How Was Your Weekend?》After-School Activities PPT课件下载

《How Was Your Weekend?》After-School Activities PPT课件下载

第一部分内容:Learning Targets

Key words & phrases:

yummy, everybody, climb a mountain, take a bus, 

be away from, sing songs, on the bus, write back

Key sentences:

1. How was your weekend?

2. I can make donuts myself now.

3. Next weekend, I am going to climb a mountain!

4. We are going to take a bus there.

5. We are going to sing songs and play games on the bus.

6. My uncle is going to bring his camera and I am going to bring some donuts for everybody.

7. Will it be fun?

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How Was Your Weekend?PPT,第二部分内容:Lead in

Look and say

What did Lily do this Sunday?

She learnt to make some donuts.

What did Rosa do this  weekend?

And where?

She went to Hubei, and she climbed a mountain there.

What did Jenny and Danny do?

They made cakes with their mother. 

The cakes tasted delicious. 

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How Was Your Weekend?PPT,第三部分内容:Words and expressions

yummy  好吃的;美味的

everybody  每人;人人

climb a mountain  爬山

take a bus  乘公交车

be away from  远离

sing songs  唱歌

on the bus  在公交车上

write back   回信;回复 

stay still  静止不动

in a hurry  匆忙

have plans for...  对于……的计划

stay home  待在家

surf the Internet  上网

help sb. with   帮忙(做)……

join sb.  加入某人的活动  

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How Was Your Weekend?PPT,第四部分内容:Presentation

Hey Li Ming, 

How are you? How was your weekend?

I had a great weekend! Guess what! I can make donuts myself now. My mum taught me on Saturday. Jenny came over and helped us. It was a lot of work, but it was fun. Fresh home-made donuts are so delicious. Yummy!

Next weekend, I am going to climb the mountain! 

I will go with my parents, cousins, aunt and uncle. 

Mountain climbing is so fun.We are going to take a bus there.It`s three hours away from my house. We are going to sing songs and play games on the bus. I’m so excited! My uncle is going to bring his camera and I am going to bring some donuts for everybody.

Did you have a good weekend? What are you going to do next weekend?

Write back soon,Danny

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How Was Your Weekend?PPT,第五部分内容:Let's Do It!

1.Listen and match the pictures with the questions.

What did Danny do last weekend?

What is Danny going to do next weekend?

2.Read the lesson and answer the questions.

3.Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

take   fresh    climb    bring    everybody

1.____________ is here. Let’s begin our class.

2.I have a cake for the party, but can you _______ some drinks?

3.The air is very clean and _______ after the rain.

4.I can _______ the tree and pick some apples for you.

5.They are going to _______ a ship to Dalian for their holiday next week.

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How Was Your Weekend?PPT,第六部分内容:Grammar


一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态, 通常与过去的时间状语如: yesterday, last week/ month / year等连用。

例:How was your trip last weekend? 你上周末的旅行怎么样?

I did some homework and housework  last night. 昨晚我做了点作业和家务。



构成  动词的过去式


1. 表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。

2. 表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。


陈述句:He was at home yesterday.

否定句:He wasn’t at home yesterday.

疑问句:Was he at home yesterday?

Yes, he was./No ,he wasn’t.


1. 动词be的变化:

am /is → was      are → were

例:① I am a little girl. 我是一个小女孩。

→ I was a little girl ten years ago. 十年前我是一个小女孩。(现在不是了)

② You are the best student.  你是最优秀的学生。→ You were the best student before. 你以前是最优秀的学生。(现在不是了)           

2. 助动词do的变化:

do/does→did (过去时中助动词没有人称和数的变化) 

例:① Do you play soccer everyday?  你每天都踢足球吗?→ Did you play soccer yesterday? 你昨天踢足球了吗?

② Does he often cook dinner for you? 他经常给你做饭吗?→ Did he cook dinner last Friday?  他上周五给你做饭了吗?       

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How Was Your Weekend?PPT,第七部分内容:Language points

1. How was your weekend?

how 是疑问副词,意为“怎样”,它引导的特殊疑问句常用来对意见、打算、程度、方式、手段等进行提问。常用短语:how much 多少 (询问价钱或者不可数名词的数量);how many 多少 (询问可数名词的数量);how long 多长 (对时间、长度提问);how far 多远(对距离提问)。

例:How do you usually go to school?你通常是怎样去上学的?

2. We are going to take a bus there.

take a bus  乘公共汽车,相当于“by+交通工具名词”。表示“乘坐某种交通工具”用“take+冠词+交通工具名词”,这个结构类似的用法还有:take a cab/taxi 坐出租车;take the subway 坐地铁。

例:He took the subway to the train station. 

= He went to the train station by subway. 


Don't take the taxi at the airport. It's too expensive.


3. We are going to sing songs and play games on the bus.

on the bus  在公共汽车上。“on+冠词/名词所有格/形容词性物主代词+交通工具”,表示“在某种交通工具上”,也可以用来表示“乘坐某种交通工具”,这样的交通工具一般是指 plane、train 等大型交通工具或者 bike (自行车)。

【拓展】当表示乘坐 taxi、car 等小型交通工具的时候,一般用“in+冠词/名词所有格/形容词性物主代词+交通工具”结构。例:He went to work in her car. 他坐她的车去上班。

4. My uncle is going to bring his camera and I am going to bring some donuts for everybody.

bring   v. 带来。例:Bring your camera to school. 把你的相机带到学校来。


① bring是指把人或物从别处带到说话人所在地。例:You should bring your homework today. 你今天应该把作业拿来。

② take是指把人或物从说话人所在地带到别处。如:Please take the book to the library.请把这本书带到图书馆去。

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How Was Your Weekend?PPT,第八部分内容:Exercises


1. Please ________ these cookies to your brother.

A.take  B.bring 

C.get  D.fetch

2. —Does your father go to work by______ car every day?

—No,he sometimes takes ________ bus. 

A.a;the B.the;a  

C.\;a  D.a;\

3. —Do you know _____ Ann goes to work every day?

—Usually by underground. (2017·安徽)

A.why  B.how 

C.when D.whether

4. — ________ did you work out the problem in such a short time?

— With Mr.Li's help. 

A.When B.Where    C.How D.Which   


1. That little girl said to her mother, “I can look after________ (I) now, Mum.”

2. We are so ________ (excite) to pass the exam.

3. What about _______ (climb) the mountain with us?

4. The children are singing and dancing ______ (happy) in the park.

5. Everybody looked happy when they heard the ________ (excite) news.

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How Was Your Weekend?PPT,第九部分内容:Summary

语法: 1.学习了一般过去时;



(1)What did you /your friend/he/she/they do last weekend?

(2) —How was your weekend?   

—It was great!/ It was OK./ It was fantastic.

— It was not good./ It was terrible.

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How Was Your Weekend?PPT,第十部分内容:Homework

1.Finish the exercises in Activity Book.

2.Preview the new words and expressions of Unit 5. 

3.Try to write about your activities of last weekend and your plan for the next weekend.

关键词:冀教版七年级下册英语PPT课件免费下载,How Was Your Weekend?PPT下载,After-School ActivitiesPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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