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《Stay Healthy!》Sports and Good Health PPT课件下载


《Stay Healthy!》Sports and Good Health PPT课件下载 详细介绍:

《Stay Healthy!》Sports and Good Health PPT课件下载《Stay Healthy!》Sports and Good Health PPT课件下载《Stay Healthy!》Sports and Good Health PPT课件下载《Stay Healthy!》Sports and Good Health PPT课件下载

《Stay Healthy!》Sports and Good Health PPT课件下载

第一部分内容:Learning Targets

Key words & phrases:

remember, information, keep, brain, ping-pong, watch TV, listen to music, stay healthy, play sports, thinking skills

Key sentences:

1.Running helps us remember information. 

2.Exercise can keep our brains young.

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Stay Healthy!PPT,第二部分内容:Lead in

Free Talk

How to stay healthy?

Do you have any good tips?

play sports & exercise

eat good foods

Exercise can keep our brains young!

exercise our minds

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Stay Healthy!PPT,第三部分内容:Words and expressions

remember  v. 记得;想起

keep  v.保持;保留

ping-pong  n. 乒乓球

brain  n. 脑;头脑

information  n. 消息

watch TV  看电视

listen to music   听音乐

stay healthy    保持健康  

play sports     做运动

thinking skills   思维技能

... ... ...

Stay Healthy!PPT,第四部分内容:Presentation

Listen to the statements and fill in the blanks. The first letter is given.

1.R_______ helps us remember information.

2.W_______ can improve our thinking skills.

3.E_______ can keep our brains young.

4.A_______ help our brains stay strong.

5.E_______ and fish help our brains work faster.

Circle the correct words to complete the sentences.

1.Cookies and donuts are not (health/ healthy) foods.

2.To tell you the (true/ truth), I really want to improve my social skills.

3.It is a (true/truth) story! I read it in the newspaper.

4.You can find (a lot of / many) information on the Internet.

5.Eating (vegetable/vegetables) is good for us.

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Stay Healthy!PPT,第五部分内容:Language points

1.Running helps us remember information. 

(1)动名词running在这里作主语。英语中单个动名词或动名词短语在句子中作主语时,谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。如:Doing more exercise makes them healthy.多做运动使他们健康。

(2)remember作及物动词,意为“记住,记得,记起”。如:I remember what you told me.


【辨析】remember to do sth.与remember doing sth.

①remember to do sth.意为“记得去做某事”,强调事情还未发生。如:Remember to come to the meeting on time tomorrow.记住明天按时来参加会议。

②remember doing sth.意为“记得做过某事”,强调事情已经完成。如:I remember telling you about it once.我记得这事我曾经告诉过你。


① information 意为“信息”,是不可数名词,指的是情报、资料等。如:You can call us for more information.你可以打电话给我们询问更多的信息。

② message意为“消息,信息”,是可数名词,指口信、贺词、贺电等。如:Can I take a message for you?我能为你捎个口信吗?

2. Exercise can keep our brains young! 

keep 动词,意为“保持,保留”,其过去式为kept。常用短语:keep+sb. /sth. +adj. 意为“使某人(物)保持某种状态”。

例如:We should keep our classroom clean. 我们应该保持教室干净。

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Stay Healthy!PPT,第六部分内容:Exercises


1. Many students like________ (listen) to music. 

2. Mrs. Gao kept Li Ming ________ (stand) for an hour. 

3. Please remember ________ (take) an umbrella with you when you go out. 

4. We have many good ways to stay ________ (health). 

5. Walking can improve our ________ (think) skills. 


1. My brother likes playing  _________ ping-pong. 

A. /         B. a        C. an         D. the

2. —What do you like doing when you are free? 

—I like singing songs and _________ music. 

A. listening   B. listening to     C. listen   D. hearing

3. —Could you help me find some information_________ the Internet? 

—Of course. 

A. with        B. in      C. at       D. on

4. Jenny often helps me __________ English. 

A. learning          B. learn

C. to learning      D. learns

5. —Remember__________ your homework tomorrow, Danny. 

—I will. 

A. bring          B. to bring

C. bringing     D. brings

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Stay Healthy!PPT,第七部分内容:Summary

1. Learned some new words and phrases:remember, information, keep, brain, ping-pong, watch TV, listen to music, stay healthy, play sports, thinking skills

2. Learned to talk about the ways of staying healthy.

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Stay Healthy!PPT,第八部分内容:Homework

1. Review and recite the imporant points of Lesson 38. 

2. Write a short passage of how to stay healthy.

3. Preview Lesson 39.

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