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《Baseball Season》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT


《Baseball Season》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT 详细介绍:

《Baseball Season》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT《Baseball Season》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT《Baseball Season》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT

《Baseball Season》Summer Holiday Is Coming! PPT


知识目标:掌握单词 baseball,pop,if,ever,shame

掌握短语  play against , root for ,take out


情感目标: know and love sports

重点:1.复习一般将来时  2. 掌握并会运用if及引导的条件状语从句。


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Baseball SeasonPPT,第二部分内容:words and phrases

baseball / 'beɪsbɔːl /  n. 棒球

snack / snæk / n. 点心,小吃 snacks

pop / pɒp /  n. 汽水

if  /ɪf/ conj.如果;假若 

ever / 'evə /  adv. 曾经;究竟;到底

root   / ruːt / n. v.加油    

toot / tuːt /  n. 嘟嘟(喇叭声)

shame  / ʃeɪm / n.羞愧;惭愧; 遗憾的事

play against    与…比赛

take… out       带…出去

root for          为…加油


Tom is my best friend.He likes _______(打棒球)very much.I don't like playing it.But I like watching him play a______ other teams.When he plays games,I will take ____(snack)and _____(汽水) to watch the game.I ______(root)for him.

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Baseball SeasonPPT,第三部分内容:Language points

1.We will play against other teams.  

该句用的是  _________ 时态。它的谓语动词形式是____________________________


Fill in the blanks using “will” or “be going to”.

1.They __________ have a party on Tuesday.

2.She ____________watah a movies this weekend.

3.I can't talk now. I ______________call you later.

4.We _____________be on the same team this year.

5.What _______you do this summer?

2.If they don’t win, it’s a shame.


if conj.如果;假若  

We will go climbing if it is sunny tomorrow.


If it rains tomorrow, we  won’t go to the park. 如果明天下雨,我们将不去公园。

3.They will all sing “Take Me Out to the Ball Game”and they'll buy snacks and pop at the game.

take sb out在本文中意为“把......带出去”

I will take you out to dinner.

take out “拿出,取出”代词作宾语,必须放在中间。

Your pen is in the desk.Please take it out.

Take Me Out to the Ball Game 带我去看棒球,是棒球比赛最有名的歌曲,几乎每场比赛必放。词作与1908年。

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Baseball SeasonPPT,第四部分内容:当堂检测

1.Lucy often plays ______baseball after school.

A  a   B  an  C  the   D /

2.There will _________a football game this Sunday.

A  is    B   has   C  have    D  be

3.The basketball fans _____him if he _______tomorrow.

A  root for;comes       B  will root for;comes

C  will root for;will come  D root for;come

4.Tomorrow is Sunday. He _____movies in the cinema.

A  will watches  B  is going to watch

C  wills watch    D  is going to watches

5.The football team in Class 5 will play______the team in Class2.

A  to   B  again  C  against  D with

6.It _________(be) Thanksgiving Day in two days.

7.We ________(visit) Beijing if it ___________(not rain)next Sunday.

8.Tom will root for our team.(同义句)

Tom _________________ our team.

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Baseball SeasonPPT,第五部分内容:Summary

What did you learn this lesson?

I learned……

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Baseball SeasonPPT,第六部分内容:Homework for today

Write a short passage about your sports during your summer holiday.

Go online to get more information about how to play baseball,a few will be asked to read it the next lesson.

Preview the next lesson.

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