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《Eat a Donut and Turn Right》My Neighbourhood PPT课件


《Eat a Donut and Turn Right》My Neighbourhood PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Eat a Donut and Turn Right》My Neighbourhood PPT课件《Eat a Donut and Turn Right》My Neighbourhood PPT课件《Eat a Donut and Turn Right》My Neighbourhood PPT课件

《Eat a Donut and Turn Right》My Neighbourhood PPT课件




1.Go _________(市中心) and you will find the school.

2.Walk t_________ the park.

3.Always walk on the ________(人行道).      

4.Turn right at the second c_______.

5. I go to the c_______  for good movies every weekend.

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Eat a Donut and Turn RightPPT,第二部分内容:学习目标

1. 知识目标:掌握单词和短语:coffee through, himself, be/get lost, turn right/left

2. 能力目标:了解如何用英语问路和指路。

3. 重难点:掌握与指路和问路有关的句式。

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Eat a Donut and Turn RightPPT,第三部分内容:课堂练习

Listen and tell true(T) or false(F)

1.Danny and Brian are going to see a movie downtown. (    )

2. Brian doesn't know the way to the movie theatre.(    )

3. Danny wrote out the directions for Brian in an e-mail. (    )

4. Brian asks a lady the way, but she doesn't tell him.(    )

Read and answer the questions

1. What were Brian and Danny going to do?

They were going to see a movie.

2. Where was Brian?

Brian was on his way to meet Danny.

3. What did Danny do to help Brian find the movie theatre?

He wrote the way on a piece of paper.

4. How did he know it was the wrong park?

It doesn't have a cherry tree

5. What did he do when he found he was lost?

He asked a woman for help.

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Eat a Donut and Turn RightPPT,第四部分内容:短语检测


arrive at    turn left   get lost   on one’s way  a piece of

1. Emily, please  pass me _____________  paper.

2. Boys and girls ,  I don’t want any of  you ____________ in the zoo. So please keep  together.

3. After two hours’ walk ,they __________ the hotel at last.

4. Danny, did you meet Li Ming___________ home  this afternoon?

5. Rosa, _________ when you see a bank , and then you’ll get to the shopping center

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Eat a Donut and Turn RightPPT,第五部分内容:Home work:

1.Finish off the activity book.

2.Do some dialogues with your partner.

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