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《I Need a Map!》My Neighbourhood PPT


《I Need a Map!》My Neighbourhood PPT 详细介绍:

《I Need a Map!》My Neighbourhood PPT《I Need a Map!》My Neighbourhood PPT《I Need a Map!》My Neighbourhood PPT

《I Need a Map!》My Neighbourhood PPT


Is it easy to live in a new place?

What do you do if you get lost?

Dear Mum and Dad, 

How are you? I’m doing well. I have to tell you that I had the flu. But don’t worry, I’m better now.

This week , I got to know my neighbourhood.  

Jenny and I walked to school on Monday.The school is about one mile from Uncle David’s home. Jenny showed me her favourite places. 

There’s a bakery near our house. When we walk to school, we go by the bakery. Sometimes, we buy bread there. Jenny likes to buy books at the bookstore. It’s on our way to school, too. Across from the bookstore, there’s a beautiful park. We love to play there.

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I Need a Map!PPT,第二部分内容:Language structure

1. I’m doing well. 我一直(做得)很好。

do well in  在某方面表现出色,擅长


2.flu 流感  强调流行性感冒

cold伤风,感冒  一般泛指着凉伤风

have the flu 患流感

have a cold 得感冒

have a headache 头疼

have a cough 咳嗽

He had the flu but he did well in this exam.


3. get to know


know 认识,了解,知道

How did you get to know her?


How do you know her?

你怎么认识她? (含有意外、惊奇的意味)

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I Need a Map!PPT,第三部分内容:课堂练习

Listen and answer the questions.

1. What did Jenny and Brian do on Monday?

They walked to school on Monday.

2. How far is the school from Uncle David’s home?

The school is about one  mile from Uncle David’s home.

3. What happened to Brian yesterday?

He got lost yesterday.

4. What will Brian do tomorrow? Why?

He will buy a map of the city because he doesn’t want to get lost again.

5. What did Brian do on Thanksgiving Day?

He met all of his Canadian cousins

Fill in the blanks with the phrases in the box.

go by     across from     on our way     get lost

1.We go to the bakery. It is____________to school.

2. You will_____________a grocery store when you come to my home.

3. The movie theatre is _______________the museum.

4. I need a map of the city because I don’t want to____________ again.

Choose the correct answers.

1.We’re going to have__________.

lot of fun     a lot of fun

2. A: What is the way___________the factory?

B: Turn left_____________the second turning.

to; at        of; to

3. Go down this street until you____________the end of the street.

reach      arrive

4. Twenty minutes______________, the old woman finally found her grandson.

in          later

5. It was very dark last night. Jimmy_____________.

got lost      lost

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