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《Trains Go Faster!》Go with Transportation! PPT课件


《Trains Go Faster!》Go with Transportation! PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Trains Go Faster!》Go with Transportation! PPT课件《Trains Go Faster!》Go with Transportation! PPT课件《Trains Go Faster!》Go with Transportation! PPT课件《Trains Go Faster!》Go with Transportation! PPT课件

《Trains Go Faster!》Go with Transportation! PPT课件

第一部分内容:Learning aims:

1.Know about the train history.(了解火车的发展史)

2.New words and phrases.

掌握词汇:wheel, born, passenger, railway, most, station, standard, speed

短语:steam engine, be born, get on/off

3. Key sentences.(重点句子)

In the 1700s, many scientists worked on steam engines.

In 1804, the first train engine was born in England.

People built many train stations to help passengers get on and off the trains easily.

Maybe they will ride on air.

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Trains Go Faster!PPT,第二部分内容:New words

steam      蒸汽

engine    发动机;引擎

wheel     车轮; 轮子

born       出生; 诞生; 产生

passenger   旅客

railway        铁路

most  (many 或much 的最高级)大多数的;最多的

station       站; 所; 车站

easily         容易地

standard    标准;规格

speed        速度

per            每, 每一

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Trains Go Faster!PPT,第三部分内容:任务型阅读

What happened at that time?

In the 1700s:many scientists worked on steam engines.

work on  从事于……,致力于…….

He is working on a new novel.


He works on _______the poor to solve basic living problems. 

in the 1760s:A scientist in England found a way to put steam engines and wheels together.

put…together,  put…and…together 


He is trying to put a team together.

Put red and yellow together, you can get orange.

In 1804,the first train engine was born in England.

be born   出生, 诞生 

(be 通常用was 或were)

I was born in Tangshan. 

---When were you born?    

---I was born on July 5 in 1982.

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Trains Go Faster!PPT,第四部分内容:Let’s Do It!

1.Read again and answer the questions.

1.Where was the first train engine built?

In England.

2.When did the first passenger railway open?

In 1825.

3.How fast do today’s trains go?

Today’s high-speed trains can travel at about 300 kilometers per hour. 

The fastest train can go about 500 kilometers an hour.

4. What might future train be like?

Maybe trains will have no wheels in the future and ride on air.

2. Listen to the dialogues and tick the correct information.

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关键词:冀教版八年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Trains Go Faster!PPT下载,Go with Transportation!PPT下载,.PPT格式;

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