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《Babysitting on a Spring Day》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件


《Babysitting on a Spring Day》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件 详细介绍:

《Babysitting on a Spring Day》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件《Babysitting on a Spring Day》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件《Babysitting on a Spring Day》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件《Babysitting on a Spring Day》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件《Babysitting on a Spring Day》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件

《Babysitting on a Spring Day》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件

第一部分内容:Learning Targets

Key words & phrases:

babysit, bar, instead, push, soccer, shall, rabbit, 

turn around, monkey bar, hold on, come down, give...a push, look like, fall off

Key sentences:

1. Have you ever been a babysitter?

2. Danny turns around.

3. Danny runs towards Debbie.

4. Come down, please!

5. He gives her a push.

6. It's time to stop swinging, Debbie.

7. She gets off the swing.

8. That one looks like a big, white rabbit!

9. It's jumping up and down!

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Babysitting on a Spring DayPPT,第二部分内容:Lead in

Look at the pictures above. 

People do all kinds of activities in spring. 

Now let’s talk about outdoor activities in spring.

Words and expressions

babysit  v. 照顾婴儿;当临时保姆

bar  n. 栏;门闩;酒吧

instead  adv. 代替;更换

push  v.&n. 推;按下

soccer  n. 足球;英式足球

shall  v. aux.将;会

rabbit  n. 兔子

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Babysitting on a Spring DayPPT,第三部分内容:Presentation

Listen and read.

Danny is babysitting his cousin Debbie on the playground. Brian is with them.

Danny: Thank you for helping me, Brian. This is my first time babysitting.

Brian: You 're welcome, Danny. But where is Debbie?

(Danny turns around. Debbie is on the monkey bars. She is climbing very high.)

Danny: Hold on, Debbie! Don’t fall off! (Danny runs towards Debbie.)

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Babysitting on a Spring DayPPT,第四部分内容:Let’s Do It!

1.Read the lesson and answer the questions.

1.Who is Danny taking care of?

Danny is taking care of his cousin Debbie.

2. Is it Danny’s second time babysitting?

No, it is Danny’s first time to do babysitting.

3. What activities does Debbie like?

Debbie likes climbing, playing on the swing, running, playing catch, playing soccer and basketball, jumping.

4. Why does Danny fall asleep in the grass?

Because he is too tired.

2.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases in the box.

thank…for    hold on    

look like    fall off

1. This dress fits you very well. 

You _________ a movie star in it.

2. Be careful! __________ to that bar! I’m coming to help you.

3. Jenny, ______ you ___ helping me practice my spoken English.

4. Lily, look after your little sister. Don’t let her ________ the bed.

3.Danny wrote in his diary about his day as a babysitter. Put the paragraphs in the correct order.

(1) I woke up before the sun rose this morning. Today I would be a babysitter! 

I thought about it all day at school.

(   ) Next, I pushed her on the swing. Brain wanted to give her a push, but Debbie said no. She loves her big cousin!

(   ) When the sun set, I took Debbie home. I helped her brush her teeth and climb into bed. I read her a story. At 9:30 p.m., my aunt and uncle came home.

( 2 ) After school, Brain came with me. We went to the playground. I thought that it would be easy to babysit there. I was wrong!

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Babysitting on a Spring DayPPT,第五部分内容:Language points

1. Have you ever been a babysitter? 


Have you ever been...是现在完成时态的结构。



例:Mrs. Johnson, you have stayed here for an hour.



have (has) + 动词的过去分词







(1)—Have you ever been to Shanghai?


—No, I haven’t. 


(2) I have never been to Beijing. 


(3)She has traveled many places. 


(4) They haven’t finished their homework. 


(5)We have seen the movie before. 


2. Danny turns around. 丹尼转过身来。

turn around 转身


turn in 上交;交出  turn to 转到;翻到  turn off 关(电器,煤气,自来水等)  

turn into … 变成……  turn on 开

turn up (把声音)调高;出现   turn over  翻转     

例:Richard hasn't turned up for quite a long time.


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Babysitting on a Spring DayPPT,第六部分内容:Exercises


1.Shall I ________(送) you the book?

2.White________(兔子) have red eyes. They are lovely.

3.Thank you for ________(帮助) me with my English.

4.It's three o'clock. It's time for him ________(喝) tea.

5.This is my first time____________(照顾婴儿). 


turn around come down 

look at    give sb. a push

1. Shall we ________ the clouds?

2.____________, Jason. Let's go shopping.

3. ___________ and you will see your mother.  She is waiting for you near the river.

4.I ________________to help him get on the bus.

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Babysitting on a Spring DayPPT,第七部分内容:Summary

1. Learnt some new words, expressions and important sentences.

2. Knew what is “babysit”.

3. Be able to use the following words and phrases correctly:

turn around,   hold on,  

come down,   instead,  give…a push 

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Babysitting on a Spring DayPPT,第八部分内容:Homework

1. Retell the story in the past tense and indirect speech with your classmates.

2. Make up a dialogue with you partner  about one of your busy days. 

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