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《Stories about Spring》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件


《Stories about Spring》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件 详细介绍:

《Stories about Spring》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件《Stories about Spring》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件《Stories about Spring》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件《Stories about Spring》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件《Stories about Spring》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件

《Stories about Spring》Spring Is Coming PPT教学课件

第一部分内容:Learning Targets

Key words & phrases:

low, below, zero, unit, groundhog, bush, 

as... as... , below zero, not... until... , Groundhog Day, sugar bush

Key sentences:

1. The temperature can be as low as -15℃.

2. We probably won’t see any flowers until May or June!

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Stories about SpringPPT,第二部分内容:Lead in

What clothes do you wear in spring?

Words and expressions

low  adj. 低的;浅的

below  prep. & adv. 低于;在……下面

zero  num. 零

until  conj. 直到……为止

groundhog  n. 土拨鼠

bush  n. 灌木

as...as...   和……一样

below zero 零下

not... until...  直到……才……

Groundhog Day  土拨鼠日

sugar bush  枫糖林

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Stories about SpringPPT,第三部分内容:Presentation

Listen and read.

Dear Wang Mei, 

It isn’t snowing today, but there is still snow on the grass. In Edmonton, the weather in March can be cold and snowy or warm and sunny. It’s a little wild. The temperature can be as low as -15℃, but it can also reach 15 ℃. Still, sometimes it snows in April and May! 

The temperature drops below zero on those snowy days. We probably won’t see any flowers until May or June!

After school today, we played outside. We played “snow” soccer. We had to wear our jackets and boots, but it was fun. Danny fell into the snow. Maybe next month we will play in our shorts and T-shirts!

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Stories about SpringPPT,第四部分内容:Let’s Do It!

1.Read the lesson and answer the questions.

1. Why does Jenny think the weather in Edmonton is a little wild?

Because the weather in Edmonton in spring can be cold and snowy or warm and sunny, and the temperature can be -15℃ or reach 15℃. 

2. What activities do people in Canada do in spring?

They play “snow” soccer, and many families drive to the countryside on weekends, and go to a sugar bush and make syrup.

3. Why does Jenny love spring?

She loves spring because of all the fun activities and summer follows spring.

2.Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

low      until       zero     drop

1. The boy didn’t stop running ________ he reached the finish line.

2. Water turns into ice at _______ degrees Celsius.

3. The temperature in Shijiazhuang can be as______ as -3 ℃ in spring.

4. In my hometown, the temperature can ______below zero at night.

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Stories about SpringPPT,第五部分内容:Language points

1. The temperature can be as low as -15℃.

as...as...意为“和……一样”,表示同级的比较。使用时要注意第一个as为副词,第二个as为连词。其基本结构为:as+ adj./ adv. +as。

例:This film is as interesting as that one.


Your pen writes as smoothly as mine.


其否定式为 not as/so +adj./ adv. +as

例:This dictionary is not as/so useful as I thought.


若有修饰成分,如 twice, three times, half, 

a quarter等,则须置于第一个as之前。

例: Your bag is twice as expensive as mine.


The room is three times as big as that one.


2. We probably won’t see any flowers until May or June!

until “直到”,表示某一种行为一直持续到某


是延续性动词。例:They will study at the school  

until their parents come to take them home.


They played football until it got dark. 


not...until “直到……才”



例:I did not study English until 9 o’clock last night. 


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Stories about SpringPPT,第六部分内容:Exercises


1. We ______ listen to the teachers carefully.(必须)

2. You are __ tall __ your father. (与……一样)

3. He dived _____ the surface of the water.(在……下面)

4.They are speaking in ____ voices. (低的)

5. Let’s wait _____ the rain stops. (直到)


1. 他不得不跑回学校取他的作业本。  

He had to run back to school to get his exercise book. 

2. 这没有我想象的那么困难。

It’s not as difficult as I thought.

3. 请不要写在这条线下面。

Please do not write below this line.

4. 他一直工作到去世。

He continued working until his death.

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Stories about SpringPPT,第七部分内容:Summary

1. Learnt some new words and expressions.

2. Learnt about some basic information about Groundhog Day.

3. Learnt to use the words and phrases correctly:low,  as…as,  below zero, not…until…

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Stories about SpringPPT,第八部分内容:Homework

1. Think about what your favourite season is. 

2. Write a short passage to share with your classmates.

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