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《Save the Tigers》Animals Are Our Friends PPT课件


《Save the Tigers》Animals Are Our Friends PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Save the Tigers》Animals Are Our Friends PPT课件《Save the Tigers》Animals Are Our Friends PPT课件《Save the Tigers》Animals Are Our Friends PPT课件

《Save the Tigers》Animals Are Our Friends PPT课件

第一部分内容:Teaching  Aims


1.Key and important points(重难点):  

Words:courage, brave, reason

Phrases:at the beginning of , drop to, in danger 

Sentences:①At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of tigers in the wild was around 100 000.

②In recent years, tigers have been in danger of disappearing.

2.Grammer(语法):  the number of ...

3.Emotion aim(情感目标): How to protect animals.

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Save the TigersPPT,第二部分内容:New words and phrases 

century世纪             at the beginning of 在...之初

courage勇气,胆量   drop to 下降

brave 勇敢的            in balance 保持平衡

reason 原因,动机   in danger 处于危险状态

kill 杀死                  cut down砍倒

cut  砍,切,割       as well 也

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Save the TigersPPT,第三部分内容:Listening 

1.“Save the tigers ” is ____ . 

A. a group of volunteers(志愿者)   B. a company    C. a zoo

2. Tigers are symbols of ____ .   

A. friendship and peace    B. strength and courage       

C. danger and balance

3. The number of tigers in the wild is____.

A. not changing     B. increasing    C. decreasing

The number of: ...的数量, 作主语时谓语动词用单数

A number of: “许多...”, 作主语时谓语动词用复数


1.The number of monkeys______ (be) decreasing.

2.A number of animals_________(be) in danger.          

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Save the TigersPPT,第四部分内容:Task-based Reading

Read the passage and answer the questions.(1题填空,3题判断,2.4回答问题,5题翻译句子) 

1.________________ the 20th century, the number of tigers in the wild was around 100000. But today, that number has _________ a few thousand.

2.What is the reason tigers are important to the environment?


3. In recent years, tigers have been in danger of disappearing.  (     )

4.Why the number of  tigers is decreasing?



5.翻译:People have cut down a lot of trees as well


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Save the TigersPPT,第五部分内容:Homework

Do some research about what else can we do to protect the animals.

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