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《Classroom Olympics》Be a Champion! PPT课件下载


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《Classroom Olympics》Be a Champion! PPT课件下载《Classroom Olympics》Be a Champion! PPT课件下载《Classroom Olympics》Be a Champion! PPT课件下载《Classroom Olympics》Be a Champion! PPT课件下载

《Classroom Olympics》Be a Champion! PPT课件下载

第一部分内容:Learning Targets

Key words & phrases:

rope, sit-up, push-up, race, result, none, twentieth, win first place

Key sentences:

1. What was the result?

2. None of us could catch him!

3. He came in twentieth. 

4. He did his best, but he kept falling off the pizzas!

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Classroom OlympicsPPT,第二部分内容:Lead in

What sports do you do in your daily life?

jump rope

long jump



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Classroom OlympicsPPT,第三部分内容:Words and expression

rope n. 绳

sit-up n. 仰卧起坐

push-up n. 俯卧撑

race n. 赛跑;速度竞赛

result n. 结果;成绩

none pron. 一个也没有;毫无

twentieth num. &adj.第二十(的)

win first place 赢得第一名 

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Classroom OlympicsPPT,第四部分内容:Presentation

Ⅰ.Read the lesson and answer the questions.

1. How many events did Jenny's classmates invent for the classroom Olympics? What are they?

Five. They are jump rope, long jump, sit-ups, push-ups and “Jump over the Dinosaur”. 

2. What things did they need to prepare for Danny's event?

Some paper pizzas, a cardboard donut and a toy dinosaur.

3. Who was the champion of the “Jump over the Dinosaur” event?


4. How did Brian feel? Why?

He felt sad. Because he lost.

5. What did Jenny think of the events?

She thought the events were fun.

Ⅱ .Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

none       result        rope        event

1. A/An ________is a race or a competition. 

2. A/An _______ is a very thick strong string.

3. The accident was a/an _______of bad driving.

4. He went to many bookstores, but _______ of them had the book he wanted.

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Classroom OlympicsPPT,第五部分内容:Language points

1.Our class had five different events—jump rope,long jump,sit­ups,push­ups and “Jump over the Dinosaur”.

(1)rope n.绳。

例:We need a long rope to tie the dog.


(2)sit­up n.仰卧起坐。它为可数名词,其复数形式为sit­ups。

例:How many sit­ups can you do in one minute?


(3)push­up n.俯卧撑。它为可数名词,其复数形式为push­ups。

例:It's hard for me to do push­ups.


2.It was a race.

race n.赛跑;速度竞赛。

例:In our school sports meet,I broke the record in the 100­metre race.


3.What was the result?

result n.结果;成绩。常用短语:the result of ……的结果;as a result of作为……的结果,由于;as a result结果。

例:One result of the accident is that three students were injured.


She died as a result of her serious injuries.


The football results are being broadcast on the radio.


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Classroom OlympicsPPT,第六部分内容:Exercises

Translate the following sentences.

1. 主赛项目下午1点开始。 

The main events start at 1 p.m.

2. 他们一个接一个地发现我醒了, 活过来了。

One by one, they noticed me awake and alive.

3. 不管工作有多难, 他总会坚持不懈地把它干完。

No matter how difficult the work was, he would keep on doing it until he accomplished it.

4. 很快他在赛跑中落在了后面。 

Soon he fell behind in the race.  

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Classroom OlympicsPPT,第七部分内容:Summary

Learn some new words and expressions. 

Learn about classroom Olympics. 

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Classroom OlympicsPPT,第八部分内容:Homework

My Classroom Olympics: Write a letter to a friend telling them about your classroom Olympics. Consider the following:

1. What events were there?

2. Did you win any events?

3. What events did your friends win?

4. Did anyone set any class records?

5. Did you have fun? Why or why not?

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