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《North America》Know Our World PPT课件


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《North America》Know Our World PPT课件《North America》Know Our World PPT课件《North America》Know Our World PPT课件

《North America》Know Our World PPT课件

第一部分内容:Learning aims:

1. Will/ Would/ Could you please…?

2. Learn about the rhythm of the foreign songs.

3. Know more about the world’s geography.

Learning important points:

1. Travel around the world.

2. How to look up words in a dictionary.

3. The way we travel around the world.

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North AmericaPPT,第二部分内容:预习检测


small  language  common  speak

1. Canada has the _________ population of the three countries.

2. In Canada people speak different ___________.

3. I’m the ______________ girl of our family.

4. The boy can _________ Spanish.

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North AmericaPPT,第三部分内容:Think About It

What do you know about North America?

What do you know about other places around the world?

Listen and answer the questions.

1. Which country has a large population, Canada or Mexico?

2. What’s the third most common language in Canada?

3. Which country has the largest population in North America?

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North AmericaPPT,第四部分内容:Language points.

1. Canada is the biggest of the three countries in area.

in area 意为“在面积方面”,介词in表示“在……方面”。类似的用法有:in size 意为“在大小方面”;in shape 意为“在形状方面”。

Eg.  Our town is five square kilometres in area. 


其次,area 意为“面积;地域”,常用the area of 表示“……的面积”,in the area of …意为“在……领域”。

Eg. What’s the area of your house? 


2. …the third most common language is Chinese.

“the +序数词+最高级+单数名词+范围”,表示“……是……的第几……”,注意形容词最高级前加基数词和序数词时意义不同。如:

the two largest islands of China 意为“中国最大的两个岛屿”;the second largest island of China 意为“中国的第二大岛屿”。

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North AmericaPPT,第五部分内容:Exercise


1. We will fly to the west _________ (海岸) of Africa.

2. The good basketball player comes from  ________ (俄罗斯).

II. 根据句意用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式完成句子。   

a lot,   start,   sure,   look up,   travel  

1. He needs _________ the word in the dictionary.

2. —Are you going with us?


3. My sister likes singing English songs ______.

4. Have you ever _________ to Japan?

5. At last the bus _________.

III. 补全对话。

A. Is it the world’s largest continent?

B. More than three billion people live in Asia.

C. Where are you going?

D. I’m looking for Asia.

E. What are you doing here?

F. They all speak Chinese. 

G. How big is Asia?

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North AmericaPPT,第六部分内容:Homework

Write a report about the continent of the world.

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