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《Connected to Nature》Save Our World! PPT课件下载


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《Connected to Nature》Save Our World! PPT课件下载《Connected to Nature》Save Our World! PPT课件下载《Connected to Nature》Save Our World! PPT课件下载《Connected to Nature》Save Our World! PPT课件下载

《Connected to Nature》Save Our World! PPT课件下载

第一部分内容:Learning Targets

1. Be able to use the words and phrases: bee, ant, dove, die, dead, species, respect, be filled with, start out, depend on, live off, die off

2. Learn that all the living things on the planet depend on one another and learn to protect our world

3. Learn some key sentences:

· The natural world is filled with living things.

· Living things start out weak and small and slowly grow strong and big.

· If we pollute the rivers and oceans, fish may get sick or even die.

· Some birds live off fish.

· If the birds eat the sick or dead fish, they may die off.

· We should respect the earth and all the living things on it.

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Connected to NaturePPT,第二部分内容:Words and expressions

bee  n. 蜜蜂

ant  n. 蚂蚁

dove  n. 鸽子

die  v. 死

dead  adj. 死的

species  n. 物种;种类

respect  v. 尊敬;敬重

be filled with start out  充满……

depend on 启程,出发;开始做

live off  依赖


die off 相继死去;灭绝

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Connected to NaturePPT,第三部分内容:Presentation

Listen and read the passage.

The natural world is filled with living things. Living things start out weak and small and slowly grow strong and big. You are a living thing. Each of your classmates is a living thing. Flowers, grass and trees are living things, too. Bees, ants, doves, dogs and cats—these are all living things.

All living things need food and water to grow. 

Think about yourself. When you are hungry, you need to eat. You eat fruit, vegetables, meat and fish. They can help you grow big and strong. You drink water when you are thirsty. Now think about a tree. When a tree is hungry, it gets food from the soil. Trees drink water, too.

We are different in some ways, but all living things are connected. We all live on the same planet, and we depend on each other.  If we pollute the rivers 

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Connected to NaturePPT,第四部分内容:Let’s Do It!

1.Read the lesson and put these sentences in the correct order.

All living things are connected.

We should protect the environment.

Living things live in the world.

All living things need water and food to grow.

2.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.

respect   connect   die   dead   follow

1. His mother has been ____ for ten years.

2. People should _______ and understand each other.

3. Don’t always _____ others. You should have your own ideas.

4. We are _________ by the Internet.

5. The trees _____ out, and this place became desert.

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Connected to NaturePPT,第五部分内容:Language points

1.The natural world is filled with living things. 

be filled with 充满…… 它相当于be full of。

例:My father's study is filled with/full of books.


2. Living things start out weak and small and slowly grow strong and big. 

start out意为“启程,出发,开始或着手做”。

例: We started out by preparing for the sports meeting.


3. If we pollute the rivers and oceans, fish may get sick or even die. 

(1)【辨析】sick 与 ill

①sick 生病的,不舒服的。其为形容词,在句中既可作表语,也可作定语。

例:The sick girl asked for a day's leave.


②ill 生病的。作此义讲时,在句中只能作表语。

例:He is seriously ill and unlikely to recover.


(2)die v.死。为非延续性动词,用于完成时时不能


dying。常用短语:die of死于(疾病、饥饿等原因);die from死于(寒冷、事故等外部原因)。die off 相继死去,灭绝;die out灭绝。

例:In the past,many people died of starvation during the famine.过去发生饥荒时,许多人都会饿死。

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Connected to NaturePPT,第六部分内容:Exercises


1. If the snowstorm does not stop, the cattle will_______ (相继死掉). 

2. A tiger _______ (以……为生) some small animals. 

3. The expedition(探险队) __________ (出发) before sunrise.

4. All students should r______ their teachers.

5. Her grandfather has been d_____ (死) for 20 years now.

6. Many people d____ (死) in the accident. 

7. Lucy loves to watch ____(蚂蚁) moving house.

8. She was stung(蛰) by a b ____ (蜜蜂).

9. Over a hundred s_______ of insect are found in this area. 

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Connected to NaturePPT,第七部分内容:Summary

1. Learn some new words and expressions.

2. Be able to understand the passage .

3. Know the importance of the nature and the connection between human and nature.

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Connected to NaturePPT,第八部分内容:Homework

1. Finish the exercises of Lesson 47.

2. Preview next lesson.

3. Tell your relatives and friends about the importance of protecting nature.  

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