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《Good Food,Good Health》Stay healthy PPT课件下载


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《Good Food,Good Health》Stay healthy PPT课件下载《Good Food,Good Health》Stay healthy PPT课件下载《Good Food,Good Health》Stay healthy PPT课件下载

《Good Food,Good Health》Stay healthy PPT课件下载

第一部分内容:Warming up

What kinds of food do you have everyday?

Food from grain

fruit  vegetables

salad  Protein foods

... ... ...

Good Food,Good HealthPPT,第二部分内容:New words

corn 玉米

Asian 亚洲

include 包括

vitamin n.  维生素

mineral  n.  矿物     

fibre n.  纤维   

salad n.  色拉     

yogurt n.  酸奶 

protein n.  蛋白质 

... ... ...

Good Food,Good HealthPPT,第三部分内容:Listening Task: True or false

Rice is made from grain.

Vegetables are usually sweet.

People in west countries often eat tofu.

Read and answer

What is salad made of?

It’s made of fresh vegetables  and fruits.

How does Calcium help your body?

It makes your bones and teeth strong.

What should you do to have a balanced diet?

You need to eat some food from each food group.

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Good Food,Good HealthPPT,第四部分内容:Language notes

1. Milk, cheese and yogurt contain calcium. 牛奶,奶酪 和酸奶包含钙。

contain v. 包含,容纳

Beer contains alcohol. 啤酒里含有酒精。

The speech contained some interesting ideas. 这个演讲包含一些有趣的思想。

2. Breakfast cereal is also made of different grains. 早餐麦片粥也是用不同的谷类制成的。

be made of由……制成,从成品能看出原料

be made from由……制成,从成品看不出原料

be made into被制成……,主语为原料,后面是成品

be made by被……制成,后接动作的执行者

be made in 在……制造,后接地点

3. Protein helps your body grow and stay strong.


grow和stay都是系动词,例:He’s growing fatter and fatter.他长得越来越胖。

“stay”保持某种状态,例:He stayed awake for over two hours last night.昨晚他有两个多小时睡不着觉。 

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Good Food,Good HealthPPT,第五部分内容:达标测评

I. 根据首字母提示完成句子

1. To have a b_______ diet, you need to eat different kinds of food.

2. China is the largest A____ country.

3. The book i_______ many famous poems.

4. This kind of food c ______ milk and eggs. 

II. 单项选择

1. This chair is made ________ wood.

A. of B. from C. in D. into

2. Protein helps your body ____ strong.

A. go B. come C. make D. stay 

3.My coat is different ________ yours.

A. from B. to C. with D. and 

关键词:冀教版九年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,Good Food,Good HealthPPT下载,Stay healthyPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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