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《A Story or a Poem?》Stories and Poems PPT


《A Story or a Poem?》Stories and Poems PPT 详细介绍:

《A Story or a Poem?》Stories and Poems PPT《A Story or a Poem?》Stories and Poems PPT《A Story or a Poem?》Stories and Poems PPT

《A Story or a Poem?》Stories and Poems PPT

第一部分内容:Words and Expressions

compare  v. 比较

passage  n. 章节;段落

limit  v. 限制;限定

format  n. 格式;版式

rhyme  n. 韵;韵脚/ v. 押韵

although conj. 虽然,尽管;不过,然而

effort n. 精力;努力

fat adj. 胖的;厚的

n. 脂肪;肥肉

aloud adv. 出声地;大声地

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A Story or a Poem?PPT,第二部分内容:Main phrases:

·compared with

·need to think about

·be used in

Main sentences:

·Have you finished your English homework yet,Brian?

·I haven’t decided which one to write yet.

·But a story doesn’t limit you like a poem does.

·With poems,you need to think about format,rhyme and meaning.

·Although a poem has fewer words,it’s not always easier to write.

·If you think about it,it can take a long time to come up with the right words.

·Sometimes writing less takes more effort than writing more.

·I described something I love.

·You’ve already finished

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A Story or a Poem?PPT,第三部分内容:教材解读

1.Have you finished your English homework yet,Brian? 



2.I haven’t decided which one to write yet. 

本句中的which one to write是“疑问词+不定式”结构用在动词decided后作宾语。

3.Compared with poems,stories usually have longer passages. 

compared with意为“和……比起来”,在句中为过去分词短语作状语。


(1)compare A with B意为“把A和B做比较”,用于连接A、B两个比较对象。

(2)compare A to B意为“将A比作B”,用于表示把A比喻成B。

4.But a story doesn’t limit you like a poem does. 



5.With poems,you need to think about format,rhyme and meaning. 


need to think about…意为“需要考虑……”。

6.You must use words very carefully because so few words are used in poems. 

be used in poems意为“被用于诗中”。be used为被动语态,意为“被用”。被动语态的结构为“be+动词的过去分词”。

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A Story or a Poem?PPT,第四部分内容:Practice


1.C___________ with other years,we have got more photos. 

2.Your parents shouldn’t l_____ your development if you like playing basketball. 

3.The f_____cat under the tree is his. 

4.We should take much e_____to finish the hard work. 

5.He looks young a_____ he is seventy years old. 


1.Have you finished your homework_____? 

A.still B.yet C.just now D.often

2.Compared_____you,I ran much faster. 

A.with B.of C.for D.from

3.I think the poem is too easy.You don’t need_____it. 

A.read B.to read C.reading D.reads

4.The children decide_____their schoolyard this Friday afternoon. 

A.clean B.to clean C.cleaning D.cleaned

5.I still remember my first teacher_____we haven’t seen each other for many years. 

A.for B.because C.since D.though

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A Story or a Poem?PPT,第五部分内容:Homework

1.Finish off the exercises in the activity book.

2.Preview Lesson 20.

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