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《The Dove and the Olive Branch》Work for Peace PPT


《The Dove and the Olive Branch》Work for Peace PPT 详细介绍:

《The Dove and the Olive Branch》Work for Peace PPT《The Dove and the Olive Branch》Work for Peace PPT《The Dove and the Olive Branch》Work for Peace PPT

《The Dove and the Olive Branch》Work for Peace PPT

第一部分内容:Warming up:

Do you know the story of the dove and the olive branch?

1. Adam and Eve

2. The garden of Eden

3. Driven out of the garden of Eden

4. Noah’s ship

5. The dove and the olive branch

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The Dove and the Olive BranchPPT,第二部分内容:New  words

olive         flood

snake        lock

Listening Task: Listen to the tape and decide the following statements are true or false.

1.Noah is a good man.

2.Noah and his family in the Great Flood for a hundred days.

3.Since then, people use a picture of a dove with an olive branch in its mouth to show their love for peace.

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The Dove and the Olive BranchPPT,第三部分内容:Language points




1.There was a serious flood here last month. 上个月这里发了一次大洪水。

2.To prepare for the flood, Noah made a large ship of wood. 为了给这次洪水做准备,诺亚做了一艘大木船。

句中的to prepare for the flood 是动词不定式短语用在句首作状语,表示目的,它也可用在动词后;短语 prepare for则表示“为……做准备”,与get ready for同义。

e.g.Lisa is leading a happy life now. 


3. Since then, people have always taken the dove and the olive branch as symbols of peace. 自那以后,人们总是把鸽子和橄榄枝当作和平的标志。 

句式take…as…意为“把……当作……”,其中的动词take可用have, look on等加以替换。


I take you as my good friend all the time. 我一直把你当作我的好朋友。

[辨析]: except, but, besides

(1) except 意为 “除……之外(不再有)”,指从整体所接的人或物,前面常有 all, every, any, no 等词。

(2) but 意为 “除……之外”,常与有否定意思的词连用。当but 前有实义动词 do 时,but 后接动词原形。but 作为副词时同 only,意思是 “不过;只”。

(3) besides 意思是 “除了……之外(还有)”,它的意思是在原来的基础上加上 besides 除外的人或物,其前常有 other, another, others, a few 等词。

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The Dove and the Olive BranchPPT,第四部分内容:课堂练习


A yellow leaf _______ (飘落)down on the wind.

Please _______ (抬高) your hand above your head.

He is very tall, and he is 1.9 meters ______ (高).

We live in a  _________ (和平) period.

They made a  ________ (木的) model ship yesterday evening.


Who jumped ________ (far) of all in the long jump?

He is _______ (fly) to Canada tomorrow.

My car was broken by the ______ (branch).

He has no _________ (daughter) or sons, but he doesn’t feel lonely.

_____ (who) is she going to look for?

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The Dove and the Olive BranchPPT,第五部分内容:Discussion

Do you think the story of Noah is real? Why or why not?

In Chinese culture, there are also famous stories about making peace. 

Tell one of these stories to your class. Then, write it out.

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The Dove and the Olive BranchPPT,第六部分内容:Homework

1.Write a passage about this lesson. 

2.Preview next Lesson. 

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