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《Supper with the Bradshaws》Culture Shapes Us PPT课件


《Supper with the Bradshaws》Culture Shapes Us PPT课件 详细介绍:

《Supper with the Bradshaws》Culture Shapes Us PPT课件《Supper with the Bradshaws》Culture Shapes Us PPT课件《Supper with the Bradshaws》Culture Shapes Us PPT课件

《Supper with the Bradshaws》Culture Shapes Us PPT课件


1. To learn words about gift giving.  

2. To know the Chinese tradition of gift-giving.  

3. To learn about some tips of giving presents.

4. To practice the skills of reading, speaking and writing.  

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Supper with the BradshawsPPT,第二部分内容:Warming up

When would you like to receive gifts? 

What gifts would you like to get? Why?

Talk about it

How do you react when you receive a gift you don’t like?

When your family visits another, what do you usually take as a gift?

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Supper with the BradshawsPPT,第三部分内容:New words 

chalk       n. 粉笔

tradition    n. 传统

reaction    n. 反应

react      v. 反应

officer    n. 政府官员

gun        n. 枪

doll       n. 洋娃娃;玩偶


Read the lesson and write(T) or false(F).

1. Li Ming liked Mr. Bradshaw’s cookies.   (     )

2. Li Ming accepted Mr. Bradshaw’s gift although he didn’t like it. (     )

3. Debbie liked the toy gun that Danny gave her as a Christmas gift. (     )

4. Danny is planning another trip to Chinatown. (     )

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Supper with the BradshawsPPT,第四部分内容:Language points

1. I don’t know what we’ll do with them.


do with意为“对付、处理”,多与疑问词what 连用,表示“如何对付、处理、安排”。

deal with也表示“对付、处理、安排”,多与疑问词how 连用。

2. I wish everyone here, especially Debbie, could learn some Chinese manners. 


当wish 是一般现在时的时候,后面的宾语从句要使用一般过去时,这是虚拟语气,用来表达某种愿望。

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Supper with the BradshawsPPT,第五部分内容:Writing 

Write about one time when you receive a gift that you don’t like. 

1. Who gave you the gift?  

2. When did you get the gift? 

3. Why didn’t you like the gift?

4. What was your reaction?

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Supper with the BradshawsPPT,第六部分内容:Project  

Research about the tradition of gift-giving in one country outside China. Make a poster about it.

What do you know about Santa Claus?

Where does he live?

What animals pull his sleigh?

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Supper with the BradshawsPPT,第七部分内容:Homework

1. Remember the words and important sentences.

2. Finish the exercises .

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