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《Exploring English》Section ⅣPPT教学课件


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《Exploring English》Section ⅣPPT教学课件《Exploring English》Section ⅣPPT教学课件《Exploring English》Section ⅣPPT教学课件《Exploring English》Section ⅣPPT教学课件《Exploring English》Section ⅣPPT教学课件《Exploring English》Section ⅣPPT教学课件《Exploring English》Section ⅣPPT教学课件《Exploring English》Section ⅣPPT教学课件

《Exploring English》Section ⅣPPT教学课件


第一步 速读——了解文章主题和段落大意


1.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.An exciting adventure in English learning.

B.Some strange English words difficult to learn.

C.The differences between what we learn in class and in life.

D.Some funny posts about what we should learn in class.

2.What do the four people have in common?

A.Having the same experiences in learning English.

B.Meeting something strange in English learning.

C.Coming from the same English­speaking country.

D.Finding English easy to learn and hard to understand.

第二步 细读——把控文章关键信息


1.What does Alba think of the British attitude towards their food?

A.Doubtful. B.Supportive.

C.Helpless.  D.Hopeful.

2.Why didn't Yancy find the shoes on the first floor?

A.Because she misunderstood the lady's words.

B.Because there were no shoes sections sold there.

C.Because the shoes were all placed on the ground.

D.Because she didn't go up to the upper floor.

3.Julien found his pen friend's grandfather______.

A.wicked  B.confused

C.negative  D.nice

4.What do we learn about Zhang Xu's English paper?

A.Zhang Xu felt disappointed about his paper.

B.Zhang Xu didn't get a good grade on it.

C.The teacher thought the paper wrote well.

D.The teacher thought Zhang Xu was not a bad student.

第三步 研读——能力升华 接轨高考


When learning English, almost everyone of us meets some misadventures and some funny 1.____ (story).They can remind us  what we learn in class is 2.____ (differ)from the English outside the classroom.Alba finds the British don't always play safe 3.____ their food because someone said that her teacher Maggie 4.____ (have) a frog in the throat.What surprising news! Once Yancy went to buy some boots and 5._________(tell) the boot were on 6.____first floor but she didn't find them “there”.How 7. ____(confuse)!Julien was also surprised about his pen friend,8.____uses a negative word about his nice grandfather.And as the Chinese exchange student, Zhang Xu felt the British had 9.____(high)standards than Chinese.He spent days 10._________(prepare)his English paper and only got“Not bad!”

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Exploring English PPT,第二部分内容:语言基础自测



1.Please remember to_______(提醒)me to give my parents a call.

2.This famous star hates to see the bad_______ (评论)about his life.

3.With the weather getting cold, more and more people are wearing warm_______ (靴子).

4.The rent in this _______(地段)is much higher than that in the suburbs.

5.Don't let others'_______attitude towards life disturb your own life.

6.As an _______ student, he had great trouble getting used to the food here.

7.We are all looking_______ to the long holiday for the National Day.

8._______,you don't need to waste your time in persuading him.



1.change v.&n.改变→_______ n.(学生、教师等的)互访,交换v.交换,互换,兑换

2._______ vt.提醒,使想起→reminder n.引起回忆的事物,提醒人的事物

3.actual adj.真实的,实际的→ _______ adv.事实上,实际上

4.negate vt.否定→ _______ adj.负面的→negation n.否定



1._______ the outside world 在外面的世界

2.play safe_______对……求稳;在……方面不冒险

3.have a frog_______ your throat(尤指咽喉痛)说话困难

4._______the first floor   (美)在一楼;(英)在二楼

5._______the ground floor   (英)在一楼

6.be about_______ 正要去做……

7.do_______ good job  做得好;干得不错

8.look forward _______ 期待;盼望



1.If you want to _______your health, cut down on the amount of salt you eat.

2.We have been_________________ the coming of Teachers' Day.

3.If we don't _______ now,all the work we've done will be wasted.

4.He _______ leave when his phone rang and he got another work to do.

5.If you ______________,remember to speak less.

6. It seems that people are more interested in exploring the secret ___________________. 


remind v.提醒,使想起

(教材P20)Here are some of our favorites,to remind us that some of the English we learn in the classroom is rather different from the English in the outside world!这是一些我们最喜欢的帖子,可以提醒我们一些我们在课堂上学的英语和外面世界的英语真的是大有不同。

(1)remind sb.of (doing) sth.使某人想起某事

remind sb.to do sth.  提醒某人去做某事

remind sb.that...  提醒某人……

(2)reminder n.  起提醒作用的事物

①Reminded not to drive after drinking, some drivers are still trying their luck, which is really dangerous.


②The man put out the cigarette when reminded that smoking was not allowed on the bus.


③The seventeen­year­old boy put up a picture of Bill Gates beside the bed to keep himself reminded____ his own dream.


④__________(remind)of table manners three times,the kids began to behave themselves.被三次提醒注意进餐礼节后,这些孩子开始表现得体了。


At one time,Peterson was a lazy person and was always reminded to work hard.Since his business failed last year, he regarded the failure as a reminder of his laziness.And he also made his wife remind him of his failure of last year once in a while to keep himself working harder and harder.曾经,皮特森是个懒家伙,总是需要别人提醒去努力工作。自从去年生意失败后,他把这次失败看作是自己懒惰的一个提醒。并且也要他的妻子经常不时地提醒他去年的失败,以便于他能让自己工作越来越努力。

exchange n.(学生、教师等的)互访,交换

(教材P21)I was part of a student exchange between a university in England and my university in China.


(1)exchange sth.for sth.  以……换取……

exchange sth.with sb.  和某人交换……

(2)in exchange for   以……交换……

make an exchange   交换 

①I was fortunate to be chosen to participate in an exchange study program.


②And every week he cleaned the chicken house in exchange for manure.他每周打扫鸡舍是为了获得肥料。

③I am going to travel abroad,so I go_____(exchange) some RMB for dollars in the bank.


④I will take full advantage of the chance to exchange views ______ them.


look forward to期待,盼望

(教材P21)I knew I had done a good job and was looking forward to getting a good grade.


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