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《Stage and screen》PartⅠ PPT


《Stage and screen》PartⅠ PPT 详细介绍:

《Stage and screen》PartⅠ PPT《Stage and screen》PartⅠ PPT《Stage and screen》PartⅠ PPT《Stage and screen》PartⅠ PPT《Stage and screen》PartⅠ PPT《Stage and screen》PartⅠ PPT

《Stage and screen》PartⅠ PPT


导读:2012年伦敦奥运会主题曲是由英国摇滚乐团缪斯(Muse)合唱团演唱的Survival,在运动员入场及颁奖仪式上播放。缪斯(Muse)是一支英国摇滚乐乐队,这支乐队于1994年在英国德文郡的Teignmouth镇创立,乐风融合了独立摇滚、前卫摇滚、重金属音乐、古典音乐与电音。在不同时期,他们共用过Gothic Plague,Fixed Penalty和Rocket Baby Dolls作为乐队名,1997年乐队正式更名为Muse。


Race, life’s a race

And I am gonna win

Yes, I am gonna win

And I’ll ①____________ the fuse

And I’ll never lose

And I choose to survive

②____________ it takes

You won’t pull ahead

I’ll keep up the pace

And I’ll give you my strength

... ... ...

Stage and screen PPT,第二部分内容:教材原文呈现


I thought(1) I knew a lot about Hamlet.As a high school student (2)with English literature as one of my main subjects,(3)I have to!Shakespeare’s Hamlet is probably the most important play by the most important writer in English.Almost everybody knows “To be,or not to be”,right?Having seen quite a few productions of Hamlet and read the play many times,I was full of confidence—until the Peking Opera came to town!

(4)Dating back to the 18th century,Peking Opera has over two hundred years of history.Does this mean it’s easier than a Shakespeare play to understand?(5)To find out the answer,I just had to go and see The Revenge of Prince Zidan—the Peking Opera version of Hamlet.

Starting with an orchestra (6) playing traditional Chinese instruments,the opera brought a completely new sound to my Western ears.At first,I thought what I heard was a violin,but later I learnt that it was an instrument with two strings (7) called Jinghu.Then,seeing the main characters come on stage,I was surprised!The costumes and masks were amazing.The performers of course sang in Chinese,but the music,exaggerated movements and mime helped get the meanings across to the audience.The voices themselves sounded really unique—some of the female voices were (8)so high that I was sure they could break glass!And the stage was really simple:a decorated whip represented a horse,and a screen with Chinese characters,a study.(9) Using such techniques,the opera had transformed a small stage into the whole universe.

Easily my favourite part of the show was(10)how the characters moved on stage.I had never seen Prince Hamlet do a backflip before!That was simply incredible.It was so dazzling and energetic that I wasn’t sure (11) if the characters were performers or athletes!Everyone was clapping.

(12)Before experiencing The Revenge of Prince Zidan,I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy it.But,in fact,I was on the edge of my seat!(13)Feeling the strong emotions of love,anger,fear and grief in the performance,I could easily recognise the theme of Hamlet.So,if you want to see a show (14) that combines music,singing,drama,poetry and costume design with explosive effect,The Revenge of Prince Zidan ticks all the right boxes!



(3)本句为省略结构,省略knew a lot about Hamlet。




(7)called Jinghu为过去分词短语作后置定语。


(9)Using such techniques 为现在分词短语作原因状语。


(11)此处在形容词sure后跟if 引导的宾语从句。

(12)此处Before experiencing为介词短语作时间状语。


(14)句中that 引导定语从句修饰先行词show。


①literature n.文学

②main adj.主要的

③probably adv.大概

④quite a few相当多

⑤production n.演出

⑥full of confidence充满信心

⑦date back追溯到

⑧version n.版本

⑨traditional adj.传统的

⑩instrument n.乐器

... ... ...

Stage and screen PPT,第三部分内容:课文整体阅读

Step Ⅰ General reading

Match each paragraph with its main idea.

Para.1  A.Is Peking Opera easier to understand than a Shakespeare play?

Para.2  B.My favourite part of the show was the characters’ backflip.

Para.3  C.I was confident I knew a lot about Hamlet.

Para.4  D.Come to The Revenge of Prince Zidan to enjoy the show.

Para.5  E.The wonderful performance of The Revenge of Prince Zidan on stage. 

Step Ⅱ Factual reading

Read the text carefully and choose the best answer.

1.The sentence “...I was full of confidence—until the Peking Opera came to the town” means ________. 

A.I was confident because I was good at English literature.

B.I was proud of Shakespeare and his important play—Hamlet.

C.I thought I knew well about Hamlet but the Peking Opera changed my opinion.

D.I had seen many productions of Hamlet and thought it was the best. 

2.The phrase “a completely new sound” refers to ________.

A.a violin  B.Jinghu  C.a voice  D.a song

3.What made me feel incredible?

A.The performer’s energy.

B.The performer’s bravery.

C.The performer looks like athletes.

D.The performer’s backflip.

4.The sentence “I was on the edge of my seat!” means ________.

A.I was inspired by the performance.

B.It was very crowded in the concert.

C.I enjoyed the music of the play.

D.I liked the explosive effect of Hamlet.

... ... ...

Stage and screen PPT,第四部分内容:课时基础过关


1.Both the hand movements and the very idea of communicating without speaking attract me.____________

2.Emma,a female crane,has been in their care since she arrived in 2004.____________

3.The pianist’s technique was so excellent that everyone was attracted.____________ 

4.It was a scientific breakthrough that transformed the lives of millions of couples.____________ 

5.Anger is a particularly strong feeling and maybe people think that they have reasons to feel angry.____________

6.Quite a few people enjoy eating outside in the evenings in summer.____________

7.Write another email as swiftly as you can and send it with a brief title explaining that this is the correct version and the previous version should be ignored.____________

8.She may have fed on the body of a sheep which had also fallen over the edge.____________

9.You will be full of confidence during the interview as long as you are well prepared.____________

10.Like her mother,Irene combined family and career.Like her mother,Irene was awarded a Nobel Prize,along with her husband,in 1935.____________


1.Jim with his family planned to go to the ____________ (歌剧) this Sunday.

2.Moran says one of the problems with jazz today is that the entertainment ____________ (方面) of the music has been lost.

3.The girl has such ____________ (令人难以置信的)voice that her music teacher feels satisfied.

4.It also asked mothers about the challenges they face,with 80 per cent making ____________ (情感的) demand as the hardest thing about motherhood.

5.After that I feel ____________ (精力充沛的)now to be ready for the next challenge.

6.As a high school student,I spent all my spare time reading ____________(诗歌).

7.Want to ____________(探索)new cultures,meet new people and do something worthwhile at the same time?

... ... ...

Stage and screen PPT,第五部分内容:核心要点突破


1.transform v.使改观;使变形;使转化

·Using such techniques,the opera had transformed a small stage into the whole universe.(教材P39)运用这些技巧,歌剧把一个小舞台变成了整个宇宙。

·Responsibility transformed him from a shy boy into a brave man.


·Every moment of every day,energy is being transformed from one form into another.


·Our city will make a transformation for people here to have a comfortable environment.为了这里的人们有一个舒适的环境我们的城市将做出改造。


①It is high time that the old educational systems ________________(transform).

②It is a surprise that the faraway village has been transformed ____________ a famous city in only ten years.

③The way in which we work has experienced a complete ____________(transform)in the past decade.


transformation n.改变;转变;变革



transform into转化成;改造为

be transformed from...into...由……变成……;由……迁到……

(2)make a/the transformation转变;改变

名师提醒 trans是前缀,意为“转移,变化”。如:transport运输,运送;transfer转移,调往;transmit传导,输送,播送;translate翻译。 

2.combine v.(使)联合,(使)组合

·So if you want to see a show that combines music,singing,drama,poetry and costume design with explosive effect,The Revenge of Prince Zidan ticks all the right boxes.(教材P39)所以,如果你想看一场把音乐、歌舞剧、诗歌和服装设计与爆炸效果结合在一起的节目,《王子复仇记》就能如你所愿。

·We can’t always combine work with pleasure.


·The firm is working on a new product in combination with several overseas partners.



①It’s difficult to combine a career ____________ family life.

②We all agree that the work is the ____________ (combine) of science and art.

③In the paintings I show at the DCC,you can see a Chinese girl in combination ____________ flowers.


combined adj.组合的;结合的

combination n.结合



in combination with与……结合(联合)


1.date back to追溯到

·Dating back to the 18th century,Peking Opera has over two hundred years of history.


·The church dates from/dates back to the 13th century.这座教堂建于13世纪。

·According to the expert,the temple has a history dating back to the early Tang Dynasty.那位专家说这座寺庙的历史可追溯到初唐时期。


①My interest in stamp collecting dates back ____________ my school days.

②This is an old building ____________(date) back to the 14th century.

③Your information about the factory is ____________ of date.

④Most of the information is free and quite up ____________ date.


date from 追溯到

out of date 过时的 

up to date 最新的

名师提醒 date back to/date from表示“ 追溯到”,不能用于进行时态和被动语态,有类似用法的短语还包括:belong to(属于),consist of (由……组成)等。

2.start with从……开始 

·Starting with an orchestra playing traditional Chinese instruments,the opera brought a completely new sound to my Western ears.(教材P38)从演奏中国传统乐器的管弦乐队开始,歌剧给我的西方耳朵带来了全新的声音。

·The teacher started his first class with a song.


·Regular fares start from $78.5.The show starts at 7:30 pm on Tuesdays,Wednesdays,Thursdays,Fridays and Saturdays.定期票价从78.5美元开始。节目在星期二、星期三、星期四、星期五和星期六晚上7:30开始。


①We are going to start ____________ some arms and breathing exercises on land.

②Many big businesses start ____________ small beginnings.

③____________ start with,we need to deal with the large piece of unruly text from above.


start from从……开始

start for 动身前往

start at 起始于

to start with 作为开始,首先 

名师提醒 to start with在句中常作插入语。 


1.Having seen quite a few productions of Hamlet and read the play many times,I was full of confidence—until the Peking Opera came to town! (教材P38)


【分析】 句中until引导时间状语从句,意为“直到……”。


(1)until “直到……时(为止)”或“在……以前”。用于肯定句中,表示句子的动作一直持续到until所表示的时间为止,即表示动作的终点。句子的谓语动词必须是持续动词(非瞬间动词)。

(2)not until “直到……才”或“直到……之前(……还不)”表示句子的动作直到until短语所表示的时间才开始发生,即表示动作的起点。 

·I backed up carefully until I felt the wall against my back.


·It doesn’t get dark until 9 o’clock in the evening.直到晚上9点钟天才黑下来。

·No decision will be made until we know all the facts.



①________________(work) for two days,Steve managed to finish his report on schedule.

②_____________________________(show)around the factory,they were very happy.

③The children didn’t come home ____________ it was dark.

④He will live with his parents until he ____________(graduate) from college. 

2.Before experiencing The Revenge of Prince Zidan,I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy it. (教材P39)   


【分析】 be not sure 后跟if引导的宾语从句。

【拓展】 “be sure+从句”意思为“确信”。


·We are not sure if he can arrive on time.我们不确定他是否能准时到达。

·I am sure that we will win the football game.


·She is happy that she has a chance to attend the lecture on history.



①I’m not sure ____________ I have locked the door.

②The girl is sure ____________ the book is of great value.


③________________________________________(我恐怕) I cannot make a preparation for the meeting in one day.

④________________________________________(我不确定是否) John as well as his parents has arrived. 

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