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《My mother/s cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck》PPT教学课件


《My mother/s cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck》PPT教学课件 详细介绍:

《My mother\s cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck》PPT教学课件《My mother\s cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck》PPT教学课件

外研版七年级英语上册《My mother's cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck》PPT教学课件,共27页。

Work in pairs 

Look at the pictures and talk about what’s happening.

—What’s Li Shan’s mother doing?

—She’s cleaning the house.

Complete the passage with the correct words and expression from the box.

celebrate      dumplings    few      luck mean     programme    sweep away     traditional

We (1) _________ Spring Festival in January or February. A (2) ______ days before Spring Festival we clean our homes and (3) ____________ all the bad (4) _____. In the evening before Spring Festival we have a big family dinner. We eat lots of (5) _________ food, such as jiaozi – a kind of (6) __________. We usually watch a special (7) ___________ on television, and parents usually give their children a hongbao. It  (8) ________ lucky money.


The notes about Christmas in Britain. 

a) go shopping for presents

b) have a traditional family dinner

c) open presents on Christmas Day

d) put the presents next to the Christmas tree

e) get lots of food ready

f) sing Christmas songs

g) say Merry Christmas to family  and friends

h) have a Christmas tree

Learning to learn

When you write new words, write them under headings, in groups or in a word map. Use pictures and drawings.


A. Translate these phrases into English. 

1. 好运

2. 倒霉

3. 新年里

4. 一种

5. 在午夜

6. 在元宵节

7. 一年到头

8. 在除夕

9. 扫去

B. 单词拼写

1. We are ________ (涂漆) the wall together.

2. It ________ (意味着) happening.

3. There are lots of __________ (饺子) on the plate.

4. __________ (每个人) has his own problems.

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