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《It/s so beautiful》Western music PPT教学课件


《It/s so beautiful》Western music PPT教学课件 详细介绍:

《It\s so beautiful》Western music PPT教学课件《It\s so beautiful》Western music PPT教学课件

外研版七年级英语下册《It's so beautiful》Western music PPT教学课件,共40页。

What music do you like?

traditional Western music

I like traditional Western music. 

Beijing Opera

I like Beijing Opera.

pop music

I like pop music.

Work in pairs. Answer the questions about the conversation in Activity 1.

1. Which modern music does Tony like?

He likes pop and rock music.

2. What does Tony’s mum think about rock music?

It’s lively.

3. Why doesn’t Tony like traditional Western music?

It’s too slow.

4. Which music does Tony’s dad think is too noisy?

He thinks pop music is too noisy.

Listen and read.

1. What a beautiful city!

2. It’s so beautiful!

3. I love his music!

4. Listen to this!

Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the music you like or don’t like.

— What music do you like?

— I like pop. It’s lively and good to dance to, but I don’t like rock. It’s too noisy. What about you?


1.My father and my mother are b________ teachers. But they don't teach in the same school. 

2.Many young people like W________  food like KFC very much.

3.Shanghai is a m________  city, and there are many tall buildings and cars. 

4.Don't speak in a loud v________ in the reading room. 

5.Basketball is very p________ in the US. 

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