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《Could I ask if you/ve mentioned this to her?》Friendship PPT优秀课件


《Could I ask if you/ve mentioned this to her?》Friendship PPT优秀课件 详细介绍:

《Could I ask if you\ve mentioned this to her?》Friendship PPT优秀课件《Could I ask if you\ve mentioned this to her?》Friendship PPT优秀课件

外研版八年级英语下册《Could I ask if you've mentioned this to her?》Friendship PPT优秀课件,共28页。

Listen and answer

1. What is Lingling’s problem?

A. Lingling doesn’t like her best friend to see her other friends.

B. Lingling's best friend doesn’t like her to see her other friends.

C. Lingling's best friend doesn't like to play with her.  

2. Lingling and her best friend are in the _________ school now?

A. same             B. new               C. different

3. Does Lingling get help from the helpline?

Yes, she does.

Read and answer


A: Hello. Friendship Helpline. How can I help you?

B: Hello. This is … speaking. I have a problem with my friend. _________(My friend is always late./My friend tells lies/ I'm shy and I haven't had many friends./ My friend wants to copy(抄袭) my homework.)

A: Tell me when/what/how/why/whether …

B: … 

A: So could I ask when/what/how/why/whether …?

B: …

A: I think you should … Try to …  

B: I see. Thank you. 

A: No problem.

Learning to learn

When you read a story, focus on the five wh-questions:

Who is the main character?

What happens?

When does the main event or story take place?

Where does it take place?


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