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《Life is full of unexpected》PPT习题课件(第4课时)


《Life is full of unexpected》PPT习题课件(第4课时) 详细介绍:

《Life is full of unexpected》PPT习题课件(第4课时)《Life is full of unexpected》PPT习题课件(第4课时)

人教版九年级英语下册《Life is full of unexpected》PPT习题课件(第4课时),共30页。



1.The reason that he told me for his absence did not sound ________(可信的).

2.A TV show reported the ________ (发现) of special water.

3.All flights have been ________________(取消) because of the bad weather.

4.He joined the army eight years ago. And he is an ________(军官) now.

5.The plane suddenly ___________(消失). We didn't know what happened.

6.What an _____________(令人尴尬的) situation! I really want to leave the room.


rather than, sell out, all kinds of, end up, 

by the time, find out

1.The teacher wanted to _________ who broke the glass of the window.

2.There are ____________ fruits and vegetables at the market.

3.They felt embarrassed because the joke didn't___________ being  very funny.

4.___________I got to the cinema, the movie had already begun.

5.They went to the zoo _____________ the museum because they wanted to see the animals.

6.The lady told me that all the tickets had already been ____________. 



My name is Philippe and my wife's name is Sophie. We're from __1__. Recently we were faced with a __2__situation while traveling by car in the mountains with our hired driver. Just as we began to doze(打盹), the car made a strange, loud noise and then __3__working.

We tried communicating with the driver but with little__4__, because he couldn't speak French. He tried to tell us with body language that he was going to get help and then he left.

We were in a poor area, with__5__houses in sight. We started to hear the cries of wild animals. Sophie was very afraid. We didn't have much food and it was getting __6__ and darker. I began to lose __7__. Should we leave the car? Would our driver ever __8__? Was he a trustworthy man? We were very worried.

A couple of hours passed. __9__, the headlights from another car appeared in the dark. A man got out of the car.       Finding us cold and hungry, he kindly asked us to__10__ his car.

__11__ we left, he put a note on the windshield of the car with his phone number on it. Then he drove us to a nearby village, and we met his family. His cousin spoke French and he__12__us tea and local foods. __13__ asked us questions and they were excited to have unexpected guests.

Later that evening, the phone rang. It was our__14__. He had kept his word and fixed the car.

I will __15__ forget the warmth we received on that day because we depended on a complete stranger for help.

(  )1.A. America  B.Germany   C.France  D.Brazil

(  )2.A. difficult  B.suitable  C.pleasant  D.hopeful

(  )3.A. started  B.stopped  C.continued  D.finished

(  )4.A. suspect  B.advice  C.magic  D.Success

(  )5.A. no  B.some  C.several  D.many 

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