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《Then and now》PPT下载


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《Then and now》PPT下载《Then and now》PPT下载

牛津译林版六年级英语上册《Then and now》PPT下载,共18页。

Enjoy a song

When I was young  当我年轻时

I’d listen to the radio  我喜欢听收音机

Waiting for my favorite songs  等待我最喜爱的歌

When they played I’d sing along  当他们演奏时我会跟着唱

It made me smile  令我笑容满面

Those were such happy times  那段多么快乐的时光

And not so long ago  就在不久以前

How I wondered where they’d gone  我是多么想知道它们去了哪儿

But they’re back again  但是它们又回来了

Just like a long-lost friend  像一位久未谋面的朋友

All the songs I love so well  那些歌我依旧喜欢

It’s yesterday once more  这是昨日的重现

Try to use

Twenty years ago, my mother used the ___________ at home. She couldn’t call people anywhere. Now she has a ______________________ .  It is easy to take.

My father listened to the ______  and read ___________  for news in the past, but now he usually watches news on the Internet. Sometimes he reads newspapers. He also reads _______. 

For me, ten years ago, I watched _______ at weekends, now I like playing the computer when I’m free. It’s fun.

Changes of our life

Shopping  购 物

Twenty years ago, our parents _________ to shops to buy things.

Now they _____ ________ on the Internet. They also can ____________ things from all over the world.

Entertainment   娱 乐

Thirty years ago, people only _____________ at home. Now, they can _________ to other cities. 

Ten years ago, children ____________ TV and__________ with their friends. Now, they _______ computer games.

Transportation  出 行

Thirty years ago, people ________ to work by bike. Now, some of them __________ cars.

Ten years ago, trains _________ fast. Now, high-speed trains _________ go faster.

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