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《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件2


《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件2《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件2

《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件2

2b Read the passage. Judge Yes (Y) or No (N) of the sentences. 

1. ____ The number of candles on the birthday cake is the person’s age. 

2. ____ In the UK, when the child has the birthday cake with the candy, he/she is lucky. 

3. ____ In China, people eat noodles on their birthday, we never have cake.

4. ____ People in different countries have different birthday foods.

Careful reading

Read the article about food traditions and complete the chart. 


1. 根据题目要求及所给的表格可知,本题要求我们读短文找出在英国及在中国人们在生日时所吃的有特殊意义的食物。

2. 在读短文时,同学们应紧扣这两个要求(一是在中国与英国的人们;二是有特殊意义的食物), 略读无关的信息, 对相关的信息进行认真阅读。

3. 从相关信息中找到我们所需的句子,并填写在空格处。

... ... ...

2c Read the article again and answer the questions. 

1. How can a person make his or her birthday wish come true?


2. What do people in the UK sometimes put in a birthday cake? 


3. Why do people never cut up birthday noodles in China? 


4. Why do people eat special foods on their birthday?



1. 先认真阅读每个题目的意思,弄清要求我们寻找什么信息。

2. 带着问题,再来读短文。在短文中认真寻找我们所需的信息,在有相关内容的地方,应多读几次认真理解,以找到想要找的信息。 比如:第二段第三、四两句是回答第一题的依据。第二段最后两句是回答第二题的依据;第三段第三句是回答第三题的依据;最后一段是回答第四题的依据。

3. 最后 ,再通读一遍,检查一下所找的答案是否正确。

... ... ...

Check the answers

1.How can a person make his or her birthday wish come true? ________________________

2. What do people in the UK sometimes put in a birthday cake? _______________________

3. Why do people never cut up birthday noodles in China? ___________________________

4. Why do people eat special foods on their birthday? ___________________________

Language Points

1. around the world 意为“世界各地”。


He would like to take a trip_____ _______ ______. 

2. The number of the candles is the person’s age.


the number of 意为“……的数目”,当其作主语时,谓语动词应用单数形式。


The number of the students in our class____ forty. 

... ... ...


luck, lucky, different, differently, answer, will,  idea

1. The _____ of the old man is eighty.  

2. What’s your _______ to this question? 

3. They think it can bring good _____ to them.  

4. The boy doesn’t get hurt (受伤). He’s really ______.

5. If it’s sunny tomorrow. We _____ go boating.

6. The two boys have ________ hobbies (爱好).

7. It’s a good _____ to make a snowman in the snow.

... ... ...

Fill in the blanks in the ad with the words in the box.

order   bowl    kinds   strawberry    specials

The Ice-cream and Pancake House

Would you like to eat ice-cream or pancakes? At our restaurant, we have some great _______. We have different _______ of fruit ice-cream, like ________, banana or orange. Would you like a big ______ for four yuan or a small one for just two yuan? You can also _______ our delicious pancakes. They are only five yuan.


1. 这是一篇介绍自己饭店内特色食品及其价格的短文。首先,可先介绍一下自己的店名。

2 其次,可根据实际情况按照3b中列表格的方式将自己饭店内的特色食品及价格一一列出。

3 . 然后,用上面所列举的句型结构来介绍这些食品。说明食品价格可用“We have … for + 价钱 ”句型;推荐食品可用“You can try our + 食品”或“食品 + is very good/delicious.”句型。

4. 最后,还应再通读一遍文章,看是否通顺。

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Complete the sentences with the correct forms of there be structure. 

1.Customer: Excuse me. ______ ____ a fly (苍蝇) in my porridge. 

Waiter: Don’t worry (别急), sir. That spider (蜘蛛) on your bread will soon get him. 

2. Customer: ______ ____ two flies in my fish soups.

Waiter: I know. But we are short of fish. 

3. Customer: We ordered mutton noodles, but ______ _____ any mutton in the noodles.

Waiter: Put on your glasses and you can see the mutton.

... ... ...


1. Review the new words and phrases of this unit. 

2. Your uncle has a noodle restaurant. He asks you to help write ad for his restaurant in English.  

关键词:《I’d like some noodles》教学课件,人教版七年级下册英语课件,七年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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