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《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件8


《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件8 详细介绍:

《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件8《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件8

《I’d like some noodles》PPT课件8

学 习 重 点

单词: noodle, mutton, beef, cabbage, potato, size, bowl, tofu; special, large; order; would; yet

短语: would like, take one’s order, one (large) bowl of

句型: 1. --What / What size would you like ?       

–A small/ medium / large bowl, please.

2. --May I take your order?            

--Yes, I’d like … 

... ... ...


1. ________ (pl.) n. 面条

2. ________ n. 土豆,马铃薯

3. ________ n. 牛肉

4. ________ modal. 愿意,喜欢

5. ________ adv. 还,仍然(用于否定或疑问句)

6. ________ adj. 大的

7. ________ n. & v. 点菜 

8. ________ n. 大小,尺码

9.________ n. 特色菜,adj. 特别的


10. 一碗 ___________

11. 点菜 _______________

12. 愿意,喜欢 _________

... ... ...

思 考 探 究

would like的意思及用法

would like意为“_________,would是情态动词,没有人称和数的变化。

想要某物 ___________ 

想要做某事 ___________

想要某人做某事 ___________

would like 与want 都表示“想,想要”,但两者语气上差别较大。Would you like…? 表示委婉地征求对方的意见,意为“你想要/愿意……吗?”常用于口语,其肯定回答常为Yes, please, 否定回答为No, thanks. 后者直接、非正式且随意。

... ... ...

There be句型

1. There ________ two pencils and a pencil-box on the desk.

2. There ________ lots of chicken and carrots on the plate (碟子).

3. There ________ an orange, three tomatoes and some strawberries in the fridge. 

There be句型表示的是 “某处有(存在)某人或某物”。其结构为There be(is,are,was, were ) + 名词 + 地点状语。

注意:There be句型中be动词的形式要和最靠近它的那个主语在数上保持一致,也就是我们常说的“_____________”。

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(    ) 1. --- What kind of noodles would you like?  --- I'd like ______, please.

A. beefs and tomatoes noodles 

B. beef and tomatoes noodles

C. beef and tomato noodles

D. beefs and tomatoes noodle

(    ) 2. There ______ a river and many pear trees in my hometown.

A. is      B. are      C. have      D. has

(    ) 3. --- Would you like ______ tea?

--- No, thanks.

A. any    B. some    C. many     D. a

(    ) 4. There _____ apples in the bag. Please get me some.

 A. is      B. isn’t      C. is no    D. aren’t any

(    ) 5. They’d like _____ a movie tonight.

A. see    B. to see    C. seeing    D. watch   

... ... ...


9. There are some ______(土豆) in the basket.

10. Please bring him two kilos of _______(牛肉).

11. He would like _________(点菜) some dumplings for lunch.

12. The room is very _________(大的) and it can hold forty people.

13. We have many kinds of ______ (特色菜) today.


14. 教室里面还有学生吗? _____________in the classroom?

15. 你穿什么尺寸的鞋子? _____________do you wear?

16. 她想要一碗有鸡肉和卷心菜的饭

She’d like _______________.

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