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《It seemed that they were speaking to me in person》On the radio PPT课件


《It seemed that they were speaking to me in person》On the radio PPT课件 详细介绍:

《It seemed that they were speaking to me in person》On the radio PPT课件《It seemed that they were speaking to me in person》On the radio PPT课件

《It seemed that they were speaking to me in person》On the radio PPT课件

Warming up

Is there a radio station at your school?

When does the radio station start working?

What kind of programme do you like best?

What do you think of the radio station at school?

New words

seem  v.看来;似乎

listener  n. 听众

part-time adj. 兼职的

article  n. 文章

studio  n. 录制室

purpose  n. 意图

... ... ...

Listen to Part 2 and answer the questions.

1. When did the writer start listening to his favorite programme?

When he was four years old.

2. When did he ask for part-time jobs in small radio stations?

At the age of nine.

Read the passage and decide where you are likely to see the photo.

a) In a book about the history of radio.

b) In the life story of a famous radio presenter.

c) In a room on how radio works.

Complete the sentences.

1. The writer met __________ in a radio station.

2. The manager asked why he wanted a job _______.

3. At the age of four, the writer _______________, listening to his favorite programmes.

4. At the age of nine, he asked for part-time jobs in _____________.

5. As he grew older, he learnt about _________.

6. This was how the writer’s _________ began.

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Language points

1. The radio manager looked down at me.

look down at sb. 向下看着某人

e.g. Tom, look down at the river. See all those boats and ships?  


2. I sat close to the radio in the living room.

close to  临近,靠近

sit close to sth.  坐在…的旁边

e.g. Take away the box close to the desk.


3. I sat close to the radio in the living room, listening to my favorite programmes and to the voices of my favorite presenters.


my favorite programmes和the voice of my favorite programmes并列做listening to 的宾语,and后面省略了listening。

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e.g. He tells us that he will go shopping later.

I don’t know why you were surprised.

2. 当主句是过去时态时,从句一般使用相应的过去时态。


e.g. I heard that how you felt.

He asked if he could watch TV after finishing his homework.

3. 当宾语从句为客观事实、客观真理时,要用一般现在时。

e.g. He told me that the earth goes round the sun.

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1. It seemed ___ they went to go skiing together.

A. if         B. whether           

C. that     D. what

2. You can go to talk with Mr. Smith ___ in the English corner.

A. in person     B. in radio

C. in people     D. in studio 

3. At the ____ of twelve, he went to the junior high school.

A. question    B. sound         

C. job     D. age

4. The purpose is ____ my favorite music.

A. listen      B. listens        

C. to listen      D. listening

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1. --Do you know ____ this afternoon?  

--I'm not sure, but I'll tell you as soon as she ____. 【2013江苏连云港】

A. how will Betty arrive; starts  

B. how Betty will arrive; will start  

C. what time will Betty arrive; will start 

D. what time Betty will arrive; starts  

2. As a middle school student, we should start thinking about ____ for our country in the future. 


A. what we did     B. what did we do 

C. what we can do   D. what can we do 

3. —I wonder ____ at 8:00 last night?

—I was watching NBA. 【2013铜仁】

A. what were you doing

B. what did you do

C. what you were doing

D. what are you doing

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关键词:《It seemed that they were speaking to me in person》教学课件,外研版八年级下册英语课件,八年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《It seemed that they were speaking to me in person》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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