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《Here/s to our friendship》My future life PPT课件2


《Here/s to our friendship》My future life PPT课件2 详细介绍:

《Here\s to our friendship》My future life PPT课件2《Here\s to our friendship》My future life PPT课件2

《Here's to our friendship》My future life PPT课件2

Words and expressions

handbag  n. (女用)手提包

beat  v. 节拍,拍子

pardon  int. 对不起,请原谅

intend  n.水池,游泳池

fetch   (去)取来,拿来

pancake  薄烤饼; 薄煎饼

Look at the picture. Answer the questions. 

① What’s the special event?

② What is everybody doing?

③ Are you going to have a school leavers’party?

... ... ...

Read the passage again and answer the questions.

① Why is Lingling sad?

Because she doesn’t know when they’ll be back in the hall together again.

② What makes the hall look wonderful?

The international flags make the hall look wonderful.

③ What do they think of the music?

They think it’s got a great beat but it’s also a bit noisy.

④ What are Tony’s plans?

He plans to stay in China for long.

⑤ What’s on the menu?

Hot dogs, pancakes and apple juice are on the menu.

⑥ What do they wish for when they raise their glasses?

They wish for their friendship and the future when they raise their glasses.

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Useful expressions

1.You look lovely!   你看起来很可爱!

2.miss sb.    想念某人

3.intend to do sth.   打算做某事

4.for long    很长时间

5.I hope so.    我希望如此

6.fetch something to eat拿些吃的

7.Here’s to    现在为了…

8.Excuse me.   抱歉,对不起

9.make a speech 做演讲

... ... ...

Language Notes

1.beat  “强节奏”

e.g. The beat of the music was so fast that I couldn’t follow it.


2.intend to do sty “打算做某事“

e .g  Finny intends to go to Australia next year if everything  goes well. 


3.for long =for a long time “很长时间“

e. g .Have you been waiting for long?


4. stay “保持;使处于……状态“

e.g. The shops stay open until 9 pm.


5.fetch   (去)拿来

e.g. Please fetch me my glasses .


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一  that引导的宾语从句

1.Trees improve the air. Betty thinks…

Betty thinks that trees improve the air.

2.She told me. She is cooking.

She told me that she was cooking.

3.The moon moves around the earth. The teacher said..

The teacher said that the moon moves around the earth.


1.Where have you been? Can/ Could you tell me?

Could you tell me where you have been?

2.What is he doing? Bruce didn’t tell us.

Bruce didn’t tell us what he was doing.

3.Why does he come here? Can you tell me?

Can you tell me why he comes here?

4.Who will give an interview? Please tell me.

Please tell me who will give an interview .

... ... ...


1.It’s very enjoyable.

2.That’s a nice handbag .

3.Thank you for your help with our homework.

4.The hall looks wonderful.

5.Let’s fetch something to eat.

6.Wherever you ,that will happen.

... ... ...


1.He  intends ____ abroad next year.

A.  studied   B. studies  

C. study     D. to study

2.  ____  I go , the dog  follows me.

A.  Whenever   B.  Wherever    

C. Whatever    D. Where

3.He____a speech on peace yesterday.

A. made   B. spoke   C. got   D. did

4. Please make a report after you finish ______ the book.

A. reading   B. to read  

C. read       D. reads 

5. Let’s raise our glasses . Here’s _____ our friendship.

A.  to    B.   for    C.  in    D.  at

关键词:《Here's to our friendship》教学课件,外研版九年级下册英语课件,九年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《Here's to our friendship》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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