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《Here/s to our friendship》My future life PPT课件3


《Here/s to our friendship》My future life PPT课件3 详细介绍:

《Here\s to our friendship》My future life PPT课件3《Here\s to our friendship》My future life PPT课件3《Here\s to our friendship》My future life PPT课件3

《Here's to our friendship》My future life PPT课件3

Warming up

How will you feel at the school-leavers’ party?

What are you going to show for your classmates?

Will you wear beautiful clothes to take part in the party?

What do you want to say at the school-leavers’party?

Words review

hangbag   n.  (女用)小提包

beat  n.  节拍;拍子

pardon  v.  (口语)对不起,请原谅  

intend  v.计划;打算 

fetch  v.(去) 取来;拿来

pancake  n.  薄烤饼;薄煎饼

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1. Look at the picture and answer the questions.

1. What is the special event?

2. What is everybody doing?

2. Listen and answer the questions.

1.Where is Betty going tonight?

School leavers’ party.

2.What are Betty and Tony going to do?

She’s going to help Tony put up the pictures, balloons and flags.

3 Why does Betty refuse to eat before she leaves?

Because she is going to eat at the party.

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4. Read the passage again and anwer the questions.

1. Why is Lingling sad?

Because she is going to miss her friends.

2. What makes the hall look wonderful?

The international flags.

3. What do they think of the music?

They think the music has got a good beat.

4. What are Tony’s plans?

He hopes to stay in China for a long time, and even if he goes back to the UK, he’ll come back and visit his friends.

5. What is on the menu?

Hot dogs, pancakes and apple juice.

6. What do they wish for when they raise their glasses?

For their friendship and their future.

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Everyday English

Pardon? 对不起,请原谅(用于礼貌请求


I hope so. 在简略句中,表示希望某事发生 

Good for you!(称赞某人)真行,真棒

Here’s to …(祝酒词)为……的健康(或胜利)干杯

Cheers! 用作祝酒语, 意为“干杯” 

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Language points

1. That’s a nice handbag.


e.g. You’ll be more beautiful if you wear the red handbag.


2. Yes, I am, but I feel a bit sad.

a bit表示“有点…”。用来修饰形容词、

副词或动词,相当于a little。

e.g. It’s a bit cold today, isn’t it?


3. It’s got a great beat! 节奏太棒了!


e.g. Follow the beat, please.


4. Pardon?


e.g. -Where is the post office?


5. Do you intend to stay in China for long, Tony? 

intend to do sth. 表示“打算做某事”。

e.g. Finney intends to go to Australia next year if all goes well. 


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1. -Would you mind lending me your pen?

- ______

A. Pardon?     B. Let’s go. 

C. I hope so.   D. Cheers.

2. I like listening to the song because it has a great _____.

A. look  B. pancake C. handbag D. beat

3. Betty intends _____ for America next month.

A. leave  B. leaving  C. to leave  D. left

4. The cake is over there, ___ it for me,   please.

A. take    B. fetch   C. carry      D. with

5.He is a college student in another city, and he always has a look at the photo of his family when he___ his parents.

A. misses      B. tells        C. calls      D. likes 

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