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《Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?》PPT课件18


《Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?》PPT课件18 详细介绍:

《Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?》PPT课件18《Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?》PPT课件18《Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?》PPT课件18《Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?》PPT课件18《Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?》PPT课件18

《Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?》PPT课件18

Free Talk

Look at the following pictures.

What qualities are important for each place?

Match the adjectives with their opposites.

(Ⅰ)                    (Ⅱ)

1. crowded        A. safe 

2. dangerous     B. inexpensive

3. dirty              C. big

4. expensive      D. beautiful

5. small             E. clean

6. ugly              F. uncrowded

... ... ...


Talk about the places in your city, using the words above.

A: The Fine Arts Museum is really interesting.

B: Yes, and it’s beautiful, too.

A: The People’s Park in the middle of our city is really beautiful.

B: Yes, and it’s interesting, too.

A: The food of the restaurant near our school is really delicious.

B: Yes, and it’s inexpensive, too.

... ... ...

1c Listen to the conversations and complete the sentences.

Conversation 1

The boy asks about _____________ , and the clerk tells him to go to Green Land.

Conversation 2

The girl asks about _____________ , and the clerk tells her to go to the corner of Market and Middle Streets.

Conversation 3

The mother asks about ___________. The father wants to go to a ______museum. The younger girl wants to go to a ______museum . The boy wants to go to a ________museum. The older girl wants to go to an____ museum . 

The clerk suggests they go to the ________ museum .

... ... ...

Language Points

1. inexpensive 不昂贵的,便宜的

inexpensive形容词,意为“不昂贵的”,其同义词为 cheap,反义词为 expensive/dear。    


► The sweater is inexpensive.这件毛衣不贵。


① dis-表示“不;非;相反”,如:

like喜欢 — dislike 不喜欢;

agree 同意—disagree 不同意。

② in-(im-,ir-)表示“不;非”,如:

expensive 昂贵的— inexpensive便宜的;

polite礼貌的— impolite不礼貌的;

regular有规律的— irregular无规律的。


able有能力的 — unable无能力的;


crowded拥挤的 — uncrowded不拥挤的;    

... ... ...

2. convenient 便利的;方便的



It’s convenient for sb. to do sth.,意为“对于


It’s convenient for us to start working right now.     



►The house has all the modern convenience.


► I keep my books near my desk for convenience. 


... ... ...


request用作及物动词,意为“要求;请求”。 常见用法如下:

①request sth. ( from/of sb.)意为“(向某人) 请求某物”。

He requested some hot water from me. 


②request sb. to do sth.意为“请求某人做某事”。

►They requested him to leave at once.


③request + that从句(从句用虚拟语气,谓语动词用“ should +动词原形 should可省略)意为“请求/要求……”

► I requested that she (should come an hour earlier.


... ... ...

2d  Read the requests below. In the second column, write A if you would say it to someone you know and B if you would say it to a stranger. In the last column, write where you think these people are.


1. Will you pass the salt?

2. Do you know where I can change some money, please?

3. Could you tell me what just happened?

4. Could you please tell me where the nearest station is?

5. Excuse me, do you know what time it begins, please?

6. Let me know when you’re ready, OK?

7. Could you possibly tell me the way to the village school?

... ... ...


【2011•盐城】14. — Excuse me. Could you tell me ______?

— It will leave at 4:00 p.m.

A. how will you go Shanghai            

B. how you will go to Shanghai

C. when will the bus leave for Shanghai    

D. when the bus will leave for Shanghai


【2011安徽芜湖】48. --- Could you tell me _______?

 --- You can take No. 16 bus. 

A. how can we get to the Olympic Park

B. how we can get to the Olympic Park

C. how did we get to the Olympic Park

D. how we got to the Olympic Park 


【2013铜仁】— I wonder ______ at 8:00 last night?       

— I was watching NBA.  

A. what were you doing 

B. what did you do

C. what you were doing  

D. what are you doing 

... ... ...


1. Find the direct questions and polite requests from 2b. 

2. Finish writing the letter in 3b.

3. Master the words and expressions in this unit.

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