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《Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?》PPT课件17


《Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?》PPT课件17 详细介绍:

《Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?》PPT课件17《Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?》PPT课件17《Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?》PPT课件17

《Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?》PPT课件17


Make a dialogue, asking and giving direction.

A: Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to / where is …?

B: Sure, just …

What do you often do with your friend at the weekend?

Could you please tell me what you often do with you friend at the weekend ?

Grammar Focus

Excuse me, do you know where I can buy some medicine?

Sure. There’s a supermarket down the street.

Could you please tell me how to get to the post office?

Sorry, I’m not sure how to get there.

Can you tell me when the band starts playing this evening?

It starts at 8:00 p.m.

I wonder where we should go next.

You should try that new ride over there.

... ... ...



We know Mr Green teaches English. 

She asked if these answers were right.



语   序

时   态

... ... ...




Where will we have a meeting?


— Could you please tell me where we will have a meeting?


What should I do next?


— I wonder what I should do next?


2. 含宾语从句的复合句与简单句的相互转换


I don’t know how I should do it next.

I don’t know how to do it next.


... ... ...




陈述句子用that;一般疑问是否(if, whether)替;




4a Rewrite the questions to make them more polite.

1.Where can I buy some grapes or other fruit?

Excuse me, could you please tell me where I can buy some grapes or other fruit?

2.How does this CD player work?

Excuse me, could you please tell me how this CD player works?

3. How do I get to the Central Library?

Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to the Central Library?

... ... ...

4b What should each person ask in the following situations?

1. Tim is very hungry.

Could you tell me where I can get something to eat?

Excuse me, would you mind telling me how I  can get to a nearby restaurant?

Pardon me, do you know if there’s a restaurant around here?

2.Sally needs to mail a letter.

Excuse me, could you tell me how I can get to the post office?

Excuse me, could you tell me if there’s a post office near here?

Excuse me, do you know if there’s a post office near here?

3. Helen needs to know when the bike shop closes.

Could you tell me when the bike shop closes?

Excuse me, do you know when the bike shop closes?

4. Ben is wondering if there’s a bank in the shopping center.

Excuse me, could you tell me if there’s a bank in the shopping center?

Pardon me, do you know if there’s a bank in the shopping center?

... ... ...

I. 单项选择。

1. — Could you tell us how long ___?

— About three days.

A. does the sports mooting last

B. the sports meeting will last 

C. the sports meeting last

D. will the sports meeting last

2. (2013 •天津) — I don't know______.

— Because he has to look after his mother.

A. why he is leaving

B. why is he leaving

C. whether lie is leaving

D. whether is he leaving

3. (2013 •泰安) —Excuse me, could you tell me where_____?

— Sure, sir. You can try www.taobao.com.

A. can I join in the group-buying

B. did I join in the group-buying

C. I can join in the group-buying

D. I joined in the group-buying

4. (2013 •黄冈) —Do you know___?

—He is a dentist.

A. where he is from

B. where is he from

C. what does his father do

D. what his father is

... ... ...

II. 合并句子.

1. I don’t know.

Where is the post office?

I don’t know where the post office is.

2. Can you tell me?

Why was Susan late yesterday?

Can you tell me why Susan was late yesterday?

3. I want to know.

Are there good movies?

I want to know if there are good movies.

4. Could you tell me?

When did he start playing football?

Could you tell me when he started playing football?

... ... ...


Master what you have learned In this lesson. Learn to ask for information politely.

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