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《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT


《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT 详细介绍:

《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT

《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT

第一部分内容:Teaching Aims:

Language goals:

1. Know about the new words: nation  hunt  spend—spent  natural  

2. Master the important phrases: go fishing/hunting    First Nation   at that time     make a fire     a long time ago

3. Structures: 

Our people came to Canada a long time ago.

They spent a lot of time outdoors.

They called this dance the pow-wow.

Ability goals: Practice reading

Teaching Important Points: 

Master the important phrases and structures:  

Learn to talk about Exercise and Good Health

Teaching Difficult Points: Using “spend ”

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第二部分内容:New Words:

Dena Morin迪娜 莫林(人名)

nation [‘neɪʃ(ə)n] n. 国家;民族

hunt [hʌnt] v. 打猎;搜索 

spend—spent [spend] v. 花钱;用尽

natural ['nætʃrəl] 

adj. 自然的;物质的;天然的 

pow-wow [`paʊwaʊ]

n. 帕瓦(北美原住民族一种歌舞庆典)

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第三部分内容:Listen and answer the questions. 

How was life for the First Nations people a long time ago? 

1. What did they eat?

Natural food like fish and vegetables.

2. Were they healthy?

Yes, they were very healthy. 

3. Did they go fishing?

Yes, they did.

4. What did they do after work?

They rested and played together.

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第四部分内容:Language point

1. We are First Nations people. 

n. 国家,民族


There_____56 nations in China.


We are a great nation.

2. Our people always went fishing and hunting for good. 

go+ v.-ing, 表示去做……, 表示运动的词大部分都有这种用法, 如:

go swimming  go skating

go boating      go shopping

go hiking        go dancing 

3. They spent a lot of time outdoors. 


花(钱、时间、精力) +on sth./ (in) doing sth. 

sb. spend … on sth.

sb. spend… doing sth.


The man spends an hour___(on/in) books every day. 

=The man spends an hour___(read) books  every day.       

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第五部分内容:Practice


很久以前  __________  第一民族__________ 

去捕猎     __________  去钓鱼 __________ 

那时  __________   生火  __________ 


1. 你每天花多长时间看电视?

How long do you _____ __________ TV every day?

2. 太冷了。我们生一堆火吧。

It’s too cold. Let’s ______ _____ _____.

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第六部分内容:Summary:

1.First Nations 第一民族(加拿大土著民族)

2. sb. spend … on sth.

sb. spend… doing sth.

sth. costs (sb.) +金钱

It takes sb. +时间+to do sth. 

3.at that time   a long time ago 

make a fire   go fishing 

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第七部分内容:Homework:

1.Remember key words and expressions.

2.Complete Let’s Do It 3!

3.Preview lesson 42.

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