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《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT课件下载


《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT课件下载 详细介绍:

《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT课件下载《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT课件下载《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT课件下载《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT课件下载《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT课件下载

《Were People Healthy Then?》Sports and Good Health PPT课件下载

第一部分内容:Learning Targets

Key words & phrases:

nation, hunt, spend, natural, pow-wow, go fishing, go hunting for food, make a fire, play the drums, a hard day of work, a gathering of, dancing competition 

Key sentences:

1.Grandpa, did people go fishing a long time ago? 

2.At that time,there were no supermarkets.   

3.Our people always went fishing and hunting for food. 

4.They spent a lot of time outdoors. 

5. And they ate good,natural food like fish and vegetables. 

6. Some people played the drums and others danced around the fire.

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第二部分内容:Lead in

What do you know about Canada?

Disucss it with your partner and tell us something about it.







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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第三部分内容:Words and expressions

nation  n. 国家;民族

hunt  v. 打猎;搜索

spend  v. (spent/spent)用(钱);花(钱)

natural  adj. 自然的;天然的

pow-wow  n. 帕瓦(北关原住民族一种歌舞庆典)

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第四部分内容:Presentation

Listen and read.

It's Sunday morning. Dena Morin and her grandfather, Mr. Morin, are fishing at the lake.

Dena:Grandpa, did people go fishing a long time ago?

Mr. Morin:Well Dena, we are First Nations people. Our people came to Canada a long time ago. At that time, there were no supermarkets. Our people always went fishing and hunting for food.

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第五部分内容:Let’s Do It!

1.How was life for the First Nations people a long time ago? Listen and answer the questions.

1.What did they eat?

They ate good, natural food like fish and vegetables.

2.Were they healthy?

Yes. They were very healthy. 

3. Did they go fishing?

Yes, they did.

4. What did they do after work?

They rested and played together. 

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第六部分内容:Grammar

there be句型


1.There be+主语+地点/时间状语。如:There is a computer in the room.房间里有一台电脑。There are two TV plays every evening.每晚有两部电视剧。

2.There will be+主语+地点/时间状语。

3.There is/are going to be+主语+地点/时间状语。


there be 句型中的be动词的人称和数要与后面的名词保持一致,如果是并列名词,要与最靠近be动词的名词保持一致,即遵循“就近原则”。如:There is a pen and two rulers in the box. 盒子里有一支钢笔和两把尺子。There are two boys and a teacher at the school gate.校门口有两个男孩和一名老师。


在there be 句型中,主语与动词是逻辑上的主谓关系时用现在分词;是逻辑上的动宾关系时用过去分词。如:There is a purse lying on the ground. 地上有一个钱包。There are five minutes left now. 现在还有5分钟。

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第七部分内容:语法专练

1.There________a basketball game between these two grades in the gym this afternoon.

A.will      B.is going to have

C.is going to be  D.will have

2.Look! There_______a photo of our English teacher in today's newspaper!

A.is      B.are     C.have  D.has

3.______a zoo near my neighborhood, so I like to spend time there.

A.There is   B.There was     C.There'll be

4.—Excuse me, are there any bookstores around here?

—_______, but there are some on Center Street.

A.Yes, there are     B.No, there aren't

C.Yes, there is       D.No, there isn't

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第八部分内容:Language points

1. Grandpa, did people go fishing a long time ago? 

go fishing表示“去钓鱼”。英语中当go之后接表示“运动,娱乐”的动词时,一般用动词­ing形式,构成“go+动词­ing”,表示“去做……”。如:go swimming去游泳;go boating去划船;go skating去滑冰;go shopping去购物。

2. Our people always went fishing and hunting for food. 

hunt作动词,意为“打猎,猎取”。如:The tigers always hunt alone.老虎总是单独猎食。

【辨析】hunt for、search for与look for

①hunt for 指寻找或搜寻难找到的东西。

②search for 侧重于指仔细搜索、搜寻某人或者某物。

③look for 强调寻找一些失去的东西,侧重于寻找的过程,与hunt for 作“寻找”时同义。

3. They spent a lot of time outdoors. 


①spend 主语必须是人,既可指“花钱”,也可指“花时间”。常用结构: spend time/money on sth.在……上花费时间/金钱;spend time/money (in) doing sth.花费时间/金钱做某事。如:I spent two hours on this maths problem. 这道数学题花了我两个小时。

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第九部分内容:Exercises


1. It’s sunny today. Mr. White is________ (fish) at the lake. 

2. Many people ________ (come) to the island(岛) a long time ago. 

3. Bill spends three hours ________ (watch) TV on weekends. 

4. I like to eat ________ (nature) food like fish. 

5. I can’t wait ________ (go) on a school trip. 


1. The new house_____ them a lot of money. 

A. spends        B. takes

C. costs           D. pays

2. The teacher often told Mike_____ too much time playing computer games. 

A. not to spend      B. to not spend 

C. not to cost        D. not take

3. —I called you at 8:00 last night, but you didn't answer.

—Oh, I ________ at that time.

A.have a shower

B.was taking a shower

C.am taking a shower

D.take a shower

4. —Is Tom playing ________ drums now? 

—No. He is playing ________ football. 

A. the; the       B. /; the      C. /; /     D. the; /

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第十部分内容:Summary

1. Learn some new words and phrases:nation, hunt, spend, natural, pow-wow, go fishing, go hunting for food, make a fire, play the drums, a hard day of work, a gathering of, dancing competition

2. Learn to talk about the differences between life then and now.

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Were People Healthy Then?PPT,第十一部分内容:Homework

1. Review and recite the imporant points of Lesson 41. 

2. Finish the exercises of this lesson.

3. Preview Lesson 42.

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