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《Review》My Neighbourhood PPT


《Review》My Neighbourhood PPT 详细介绍:

《Review》My Neighbourhood PPT《Review》My Neighbourhood PPT《Review》My Neighbourhood PPT

《Review》My Neighbourhood PPT

第一部分内容:Learning Aims

01 熟记本单元的重点词汇,短语和句型

02 because引导的从句

03 熟练的用英语指路


Turn Right,Turn Left

Excuse me.Can you tell me the way to the grocery store/the movie theatre?


Look right,look left.      Turn right,turn left.

Before you cross the street.    But stay on the sidewalk.

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ReviewPPT,第二部分内容:Building Your Vocabulary

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box. 

interview   perfect    past    across from    on one's way to

1.______________ school,I go by a park.

2.Danny is going to school.He sees a bakery,but he doesn't stop.He goes ______ the bakery.

3.My room is ____________ my brother's room.

4.The dress looks good on you.It's ________.

5.He is a journalist.He ___________ many famous people.

Complete the passage with the words you learned.

The first letter is given.       

I live in a small but nice village.I love it b_______it's quiet,and there are a lot of trees.My friends and I often play f________ on the field near my house.H________,after it rains,the field is too wet to play on.We like to walk a_____ the river.We can smell the flowers and listen to the birds.It is very enjoyable.

My village is a c_________ place to live in.

... ... ...

ReviewPPT,第三部分内容:Grammar in Use

Tick the correct answers. 

1. It took him an hour to get to the station ________ he got lost.

□when  □because

2. I really like this movie because it's very ________.

□awful       □interesting

3. The little boy took off his coat because it was very ________.

□hot          □cold

4. Mary was late this morning because her ________ didn't work.

□clock        □computer

5. You can't go to school because you are not _______ enough.

□old           □heavy

... ... ...

ReviewPPT,第四部分内容:Listening and Speaking

Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks.  

I live in downtown Shanghai.It is a very big and busy city.______ I first moved here, I often got lost on my way to school.________,I don't get lost anymore.My mum showed me the big ______ near my school.She told me if I go ______ it,then I am going the right way.On weekends,I like to walk _______ Nanjing Street.There are many _______there,and they are always filled with customers.This is a _______ city.When my friends come to visit,I always have so much to show them.

I live in downtown Shanghai. It is a very big and busy city. When I first moved here, I often got lost on my way to school. However, I don’t get lost anymore. My mum showed me the big bank near my school. She told me if I go past it, then I am going the right way. On weekends, I like to walk along Nanjing Street. There are many stores there, and they are always filled with customers. This is a lively city. When my friends come to visit, 

I always have so much to show them.

Complete the following dialogue with your partner.

A:I've got two tickets for tomorrow's football match.


B:Yes,I'd love to.When and where shall we meet?

A:How about 9 o'clock tomorrow morning at the gate of the Yuhua Gym?

B:All right.But how can I get there?


B:Is it far from here?


B:OK. See you tomorrow.

... ... ...

ReviewPPT,第五部分内容:Self Evaluation

Find more examples from this unit. Then mark your stars.

Talking about Neighbourhoods

There is a pond near my house.




I can talk about my neighbourhood in English.

Showing the Way 

Go down this street.Turn right at the second crossing. 



I know how to give directions and show the way in English. ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆

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