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《Review》My Future PPT


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《Review》My Future PPT《Review》My Future PPT《Review》My Future PPT

《Review》My Future PPT

第一部分内容:Building Your Vocabulary

Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words or phrases in the box. 

encourage         build                  punish  

be nice to            grow up             take steps

1.Our homeroom teacher is very kind.He _________ us.

2.Our library is too old.We ________ a new one next year.

3.My English is poor.I have to __________ to improve it.

4.My brother is very naughty, but my parents never ______ him.

5.Jenny's Chinese teacher often gives her advice about studying Chinese and ____________ her to work hard.

6.When my sister ________,she wants to be an artist.

Complete the passage with the correct words.

He Min,Zhao Hong and Tao Lili are talking about the future.He Min's ________ is to be an engineer.She wants to make new things for people to use.Zhao Hong ________ to be a traffic policewoman.Tao Lili would like to be a pilot.She is taking ______ to make  her dream come true.They all  hope for a good ________.

... ... ...

ReviewPPT,第二部分内容:Grammar in Use

Fill in the blanks with “will,would,may” or “might”.

1.It _____ be a sunny day tomorrow.We are going to the park.

2.A:________ you like some tea? 


3.A:Who is at the door? 

B:It ____________ be my mum.

4.A:When _____ your father come back?

B:Next week.

5.A:______ I come to see you this Friday?


6.A:What _____ you be in the future?

B:I ______be a scientist.I ________ invent a new type of train.It ________ run very fast.

Fill in the blanks with the comparative or superlative of the given adjectives.

1.Li Yu is growing fast this year.He is much ______ (tall).

2.It's the ________ (big) supermarket in this city.

3.It was very cold yesterday.But it's much ________ (warm)today.

4.He was ill last week.He feels ________ (good) this week.

5.The black dog is lovely,but the white dog is even__________ (lovely).

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ReviewPPT,第三部分内容:Listening and Speaking

Listen to the passage and tick the correct answers. 

1. What did James like to do in winter?

□To fly kites.  □To skate. □To ski.

2.What did James find interesting and beautiful?

□Clouds.            □Birds.         □Kites.

3.How did James overcome his fear of heights?

□He practiced climbing every day.

□He flew a kite every day.

□He watched a bird flying every day.

When James was a little boy, he liked to play outdoors. He liked to skate in winter, and fly kites in summer. James thought the kites were interesting and beautiful. One day, James told his father,“When I grow up, I want to fly like a kite.”

“Maybe you can be a pilot,”his father said.

James thought that was a good idea, but he had a big problem. He had a fear of heights! But James wanted to be a pilot no matter what. He asked a doctor for help, and the doctor gave him some advice.“If you want to be a pilot, you need to practice climbing. 

You might be scared now, but if you practice every day, you will get used to it.”

James worked hard to overcome his fear of heights. Later, he became a pilot. Now, he flies higher than birds, kites and clouds every day.

Listen and underline the stressed words.

1.What are you going to be when you're older?

2.I hope to be a farmer when I grow up.

3.I would see the world and experience many interesting things.

4.I will always be your friend!

5.A job we like,a nice family and good friends would make us very happy.

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ReviewPPT,第四部分内容:Putting It All Together

Read the passage and answer the questions. 

Our Future

Everybody is sitting in the classroom.Ms.Liu asks the students to think about the future.“What will you be in the future? What are your plans or your ambitions?”she asks.

“Your future will be good if you work hard.Your parents will be happy if you study hard in school.They will be even happier if you succeed in the future,” Ms.Liu says.

The class thinks about the future for a long time.Some students might be workers.Some want to be farmers.Some would like to be doctors,and others hope to be engineers. Rose would like to be a policewoman,and Jack's goal is to be a scientist.

“Everyone has dreams.But you'd better think about what you should do to make your dreams come true,” Ms.Liu says.

1.Where are Ms.Liu and her students?

They are in the classroom.

2.What are they doing?

They are thinking about the future.

3.What should the students do if they want to have a good future?

They should think about what they should do to make their dreams come true.

4.What does Jack want to be?

He wants to be a scientist.

... ... ...


Find more examples from this unit. Then mark your stars.

Expressing Hopes and Wishes

I hope to be a teacher.

All the best.



I can express hopes and wishes in English.

Modal Verbs:might,would 

You might be a scientist when you growup.

I would be nice to my students.



I can use“might”and“would”properly. 

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