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《How to Push a Product?》Buying and Selling PPT免费课件


《How to Push a Product?》Buying and Selling PPT免费课件 详细介绍:

《How to Push a Product?》Buying and Selling PPT免费课件《How to Push a Product?》Buying and Selling PPT免费课件《How to Push a Product?》Buying and Selling PPT免费课件

《How to Push a Product?》Buying and Selling PPT免费课件


Think About It     

1、What is important for pushing a product?

2、If you had your own product to sell, how would you push it?

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How to Push a Product?PPT,第二部分内容:New words:

battle       n. 战斗;战役    offer    v. 提供

create      v. 创作;创造     shine(shone/shone)v. 发光

ad            n. 广告              surely  adv. 当然

already     sdv. 已经            quality n.质量;品质

customer  n.  顾客;客户   succeed v. 成功;做成      

similar      adj. 相像的;相仿的        

sample     adj. 样品;样本

Check words:

1.If you had your own product to sell, how would you __________ it?

2. People coming to trade shows already have an interest in _________ products.

3. Offering samples and deals will get you more _________.

4. It is important for products to have good ________.

5. These suggestions can make your product really _______.

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How to Push a Product?PPT,第三部分内容:Language points

1. get sb. to do sth. = have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事

You should get your son to do his homework before playing.


2. first...second... 首先……,其次……

First, you can motivate the children; second, you can teach them.


3. have interest in... 对……感兴趣

I have no interest in math, but my brother Jim has interest in it.


【拓展】be interested in 对……感兴趣。

4. succeed 成功;做成

succeed(in) doing sth. 意为“成功地做某事”

We have already succeeded in getting to the top of the mountain. 


【拓展】success n. 成功;successful adj. 成功的 successfully adv. 成功地

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How to Push a Product?PPT,第四部分内容:Discussion

Show the students several ads and then give them a task.

Ask the students to discuss in pairs about how to push a product. Then make a short play about how to push your product.   


What does your product do?

Who would want to buy it?

What kind of ad would sell your product best? 

How much money would people pay for your product?

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How to Push a Product?PPT,第五部分内容:Homework

1. Use the key words and phrases to complete the passage on page 75. 

2. Copy language points and translate new words and phrases.

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