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《How safe is your home?》Safety PPT


《How safe is your home?》Safety PPT 详细介绍:

《How safe is your home?》Safety PPT《How safe is your home?》Safety PPT《How safe is your home?》Safety PPT

《How safe is your home?》Safety PPT

第一部分内容:Talk about it!

1. If a cook is careless, what might happen in the kitchen?

Fire might happen in the kitchen

2. When is electricity safe? When is it not safe?

Electricity is safe in a dry place, but not safe in a wet place

3. Why shouldn't parents leave young children alone in the bathtub?

They might hurt themselves and even drown.

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How safe is your home?PPT,第二部分内容:Language points

1.  Many people hurt themselves by falling off chairs.


【点拨】(1)此句中hurt oneself意为“使自己受伤”。反身代词可以与一些动词连用,如,teach oneself(自学),dress oneself(给自己穿衣服),enjoy oneself(玩得开心),look at oneself in the mirror(照镜子)等等。

【点拨】(2)fall off意为“从……掉下来”。

e.g. :猫从高墙上掉下来,但一点事也没有。

The cat fell off the high wall, but it was okay.


e.g. :他靠画画谋生。 He makes a living by painting.

2.Don’t use water to put out kitchen fires. Use soda or salt instead. 不要用水扑灭厨房的火,而要用小苏打或盐。

【点拨】 put out 意思是“熄灭、扑灭”。

e.g. :灭掉你的烟,这里是加油站。

Put out your cigarette. It’s a gas station here. 

instead  adv. 表示“代替,顶替”。

e.g. :他病了,所以我代替他去了。

He is ill, so I go there instead. 

【拓展】instead of(代替,顶替)后接名词、代词或动名词等。

e.g. :我通常坐公共汽车去上学,而不是骑自行车。 

I usually go to school by bus instead of going by bicycle.

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How safe is your home?PPT,第三部分内容:课堂练习


1.If a cook __________(粗心),what might happen in the kitchen?

2.Why shouldn’t parents_____young children_____(单独留在)in the______(浴缸)

3.Many serious accidents_______________(发生在人们家里)

4.The kitchen and the bathroom are___________(两个最危险的)rooms in the house.

5.Many people______________________ chairs(从椅子上摔下来伤了自己).

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Practice 1:根据汉语提示填空。

1.If we are careful enough, a lot of accidents can ____________(避免).

2.He ____________(滑倒)on the icy road and broke his leg.

3.Mum always _______(擦干)her hands before she turns on the stove.

4.The firemen _______(熄灭)the fire quickly.

5. We ate all the food and ______ (剩下)nothing on the plate. 

Practice 2:选择最佳选项。

1.Thank you for your ______ on how to solve the problem.

A. news   B. tips   C. warning   D. care 

2.We didn’t go to the zoo. We went to the park, _______.

A. too    B. also    C. either    D. instead

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How safe is your home?PPT,第四部分内容:Let’s do it!

Work in a small group. Give suggestions about how to keep a safe home.

Write them down and share them with the class. Try using these phrases:

 ~ Never ___________ when you.

 ~ You should always __________.

关键词:冀教版九年级上册英语PPT课件免费下载,How safe is your home?PPT下载,SafetyPPT下载,.PPT格式;

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