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《How safe is your home?》Safety PPT课件


《How safe is your home?》Safety PPT课件 详细介绍:

《How safe is your home?》Safety PPT课件《How safe is your home?》Safety PPT课件《How safe is your home?》Safety PPT课件

《How safe is your home?》Safety PPT课件



Prevent, bathroom, fire, instead, soap, edge, be careful/take care, hurt oneself, on/at the edge of, prevent accidents


Be careful with your knives!

Don’t stand on chairs.

Think about these questions

If a cook is careless, what might happen in the kitchen?

When is electricity safe? When is not safe?

Why shouldn’t parents leave young children alone in the bathroom?

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How safe is your home?PPT,第二部分内容:New Words

Accidents are bad, we must try to ______ them.

Where do we clean ourselves? Yes, in the _______ .

We use ____  to cook. But it is dangerous too.

Since you’re busy, I’ll go ______.

We use _____ to wash our face and hands.

The farthest part from the middle is called ____. 

Don’t stand at the ____ of the table, you may fall down!

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How safe is your home?PPT,第三部分内容:Think about it:

If a cook is careless, what might happen in the kitchen?

When is electricity safe? When is it not safe?

Why shouldn’t  parents leave young children alone?

Work in a small group . Give suggestions about  how to keep a safe home . 

Write them down . The group which has the  most ideas will win the game.

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How safe is your home?PPT,第四部分内容:Language notes

Don’t use water to put out kitchen fires. Use baking soda or salt instead. 扑灭厨房的火不要用水,而要用发酵粉或盐。

Put out 意思是“扑灭”.

Instead “顶替;代替” 后接被替的人或物时用instead of 

I will go instead of you this afternoon.

You don’t want to start a fire. 你不想引起火灾吧。

注意与fire 常用的搭配:

Catch a fire 着火;

Make a fire 生火;

Discover a fire 发现火情;

Light/ start a fire 点火;

Put out the fire 灭火;

Set fire to sth=set sth on fire 放火;

Be on fire  失火,在燃烧

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How safe is your home?PPT,第五部分内容:课堂练习

用下列词填空be careful, fall off, on the edge of, take care, get out of

1.-_____ ! Don’t hurt yourself.

2.on, my god. The boy ________ the tree.

3.Liu Ming _________ with his lessons. He often does well in the exam.

4. it’s dangerous to put a thremos ________  of a desk.

5. Let me know where ________the car.


To prevent kitchen accidents, we should remember these tips:

____ _____ on chairs. 

_____ the floor dry.

____ ____ water to ___ ____ kitchen fire. Use baking soda or salt _____.

____ ____ ____ knives!

Don’t keep ______ in the kitchen.

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How safe is your home?PPT,第六部分内容:Sum up:

be careful with

leave sb/sth alone

at/on the edge of…

fall off….

start a fire

put out the fire

electrical appliances

prevent home accidents

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How safe is your home?PPT,第七部分内容:Homework

Write an accident you know in your exercise book and give other people some warnings at the end. 

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