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《The UN-The Power of Words》Work for Peace PPT


《The UN-The Power of Words》Work for Peace PPT 详细介绍:

《The UN-The Power of Words》Work for Peace PPT《The UN-The Power of Words》Work for Peace PPT《The UN-The Power of Words》Work for Peace PPT

《The UN-The Power of Words》Work for Peace PPT

第一部分内容:Learning aims

Aim of knowledge知识目标

words : suffer, headquarters, security, council, permanent, situation, satisfy

phrases: suffer through, World War II, the UN, the secretary-General, the UN Security Council, permanent member

Aim of ability能力目标

know about the information about the UN

Improving students’  reading  skills.

Aim of emotion情感目标

cultivate students’love for peace

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The UN-The Power of WordsPPT,第二部分内容:Words

suffer  v. 受苦,受难

headquarters  n. 总部

security  n. 安全,保证

council   n. 委员会

permanent  adj. 永久的

situation   n. 状况,形式

satisfy  v. 使满意

forever  adv. 永远


suffer through   熬过,挨过

World War II  第二次世界大战

the UN  联合国

the Secretary-General  秘书长

the UN Security Council  联合国安理会

permanent member  常任理事成员

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The UN-The Power of WordsPPT,第三部分内容:Free-talk:

What do you know about the UN?

1.When was the UN founded ?

2.How many member states are there in the UN?

3.Where is the headquarters?

4.Permanent members

5.How many members are there in the UN Security Council?

6.What’s the head of the UN?


To help countries talk about problems instead of fighting.

To keep peace between two fighting countries.

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The UN-The Power of WordsPPT,第四部分内容:Language points 

1. In the early twentieth century, people suffered through many wars.

suffer through 意为“熬过,挨过”  

拓展  suffer from 意为“患……病,受……折磨”

名词形式为 suffering,意为 “痛苦”

e.g.His father suffered from the cancer for many years.

2. When World War II was over, an organization called the UN was formed to help countries talk about their problems instead of fighting.

instead of 意为“代替,而不是”  

拓展  instead   副词, 位于句首或句末

instead of  介词短语, 后接n./pron./v-ing

e.g.We should go out instead of staying home today.

3. It’s not always easy for the members to reach an agreement. Just imagine how difficult it is to satisfy all 193 members.

reach an agreement    达成一致

satisfy  意为“使满意,使满足”  

satisfy sb. / sth.   使……满意

拓展  satisfied   感到满意的  修饰人  be satisfied with

satisfying  令人满意的  修饰物 

e.g.My parents are satisfied with my study.

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The UN-The Power of WordsPPT,第五部分内容:Self- check

I 完成句子

1. 不知道他能不能挨过这场灾难。 

I don’t know weather he can___________the disaster .  


The two companies have______________________ . 

3. 老师对我近来的表现感到满意。                              

My teacher______________________what I  did these days.  


They had to stay at home______________________he mountain because of  the rain.

situation  agreement  satisfy  Secretary-General

Mr. ______________ , my fellow delegates, ladies and gentlemen,

it is a great honor for me to stand here and speak to you all. We know this is no ordinary time for our people. Each of us comes here with our own problems. Sometimes we cannot reach an ___________ . Sometimes the __________ is very serious. And most of the time, we cannot __________ everyone. But it is not impossible! We should work together to make the world a better place to live. More peace, less war. 

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The UN-The Power of WordsPPT,第六部分内容:Homework

Write a passage about how to prevent war.

make a poster about peace.

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